Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Night Watches With The Lord

During 2011 I asked the Lord to put an alarm in my spirit during the night watches, I made myself available to wait upon the Lord. I prayed according to Psalm 110:3 offering myself willingly out of the womb of the morning (which I understood was an indication of open heavens) and Psalm 139:9 in the wings of the morning to pray wait and seek His face. 

I claimed the promises of Isaiah 50-4-5 that He would awaken me morning by morning, awaken my spiritual senses to learn, anointing my tongue to speak and my ear to hear. I would keep a journal by my bed to write dreams / visions or impressions He would reveal during that time. There was times I was awake for 5 minutes or even an hour.  At times, I feel very little of Him, or of His presence.  But I understood He wanted to communicate with me. I'm training myself to wait in "anticipation" as one who watches for someone to enter a room and the results have been the most incredible moments with the Lord.  

Proverbs 8:17 says, I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me... That I may cause those that love Me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. 

A quote from the book (God Catchers) that has meant a lot to me is "I am no longer content just to "chase"Him. I want to catch" Him - Sometimes I grow weary with the daily chase, but I must chase If I want to catch Him. 

He is beginning to dominate my thoughts and my hunger for more of His presence. I can't help myself - He is all I want.  I'm part of that remnant, a chronic God Chaser with an unending appetite for more of His Presence. 

God yearns to know you intimately... To reveal Himself to you in a more personal way, a place in prayer where our perception is more in-tune to the realm of the spirit than in the natural.  

If you listen, God will speak to you! Psalm 16:7 says I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night seasons. God will meet you where you are and work with you. Seek the Lord for special times that are set apart for receiving from Him. SACRIFICE releases POWER. Ask Him to prepare you for heavenly downloads. 

Isaiah wrote, "In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength." Your ability to rest is critical for your ability to receive. REST is the INCUBATION bed of REVELATION! Taking time and developing the capacity to quiet your soul and rest in the Lord, waiting silently before Him. 

Be faithful with the little, and God will give you more. God is looking for people to whom He can entrust His revelation. He may test us with a little to see what we do with it (this has been my personal experience) God rewards FAITHFULNESS! 

I find myself echoing the Lord as He asks the Church this question, "Will you come up higher?" The Lord is calling the church to rise up in this hour, beyond the familiar out of our comfort zone and seek for more of Him.  

This has been my life and my personal experience. As a dreamer, an intercessor and prayer warrior I long to hear His voice clearly, to anticipate His next move and be aware of the enemy's attack. As a Watchmen... 

I declare that you will begin to have supernatural experiences with the Lord. Expect to have dreams and visions and have divine revelations from the Lord. I declare your spiritual eyes and ears are open to receive. 

He will make Himself known to you. 

Be Blessed... 

~ Pastora Allie

Monday, January 9, 2012

Praising Your Way Out Of A STORM...

It has been my personal experience (and proven biblically) that when you get down in the dumps or feeling down n out the best remedy for that situation is always PRAISE and THANKSGIVING.

God understands our troubles and cares about each of our needs as if we were the only one on earth with a problem. He also knows how miserable it can be for us when we wallow in despair. However, He has given us the perfect way out of the prison of trouble; it's the key that unlocks the door of loneliness, frustration and self-pity. It's called PRAISE...

In the natural it goes against our human nature, however some of the greatest miracles and blessings have been born out of this simple yet effective tool we have been given.

We have the sample of the life of David who seemed to be a magnet for trouble yet produced most of the book of Psalms - songs of praise and worship. God labeled David as a man after His own heart. Paul and Silas were in prison for doing good and preaching the word of God. If anyone had the right to feel sorry for themselves it was them. But instead decided to pray and sing praises. And we all know the results of their act of praise.

When I was going thru my recent storm (with the health issues) there was a song that ministered to me during that season by Casting Crown - I'll praise you in this storm.... When I felt at my lowest point and began to praise it was a feeling that goes beyond words. I felt like I could almost feel the very heartbeat of God. Some of my most wonderful experiences with the Lord has come when I've been in deepest trial. I feel so near to God when I praise Him in spite of my circumstances. 

The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of his people. Praising in the midst of trial shows faith and restores your soul. When we praise God we are proving to Him that we believe that He will take care of us. It also gets our focus off of the problem and makes us excited about what God is going to do in our life. When I begin to praise I feel like I can run through a troop or leap over a wall just like the Psalmist. Our situation may or may not change - but in praise we are trusting God that he know the truth about the things we cannot see or understand. Just like a child must trust a parent for things, we must learn to understand that God knows what is best and no matter how bad or how painful the situation He will work it for our good.

So I challenge you, touch the heart of God with your praise and love Him in the midst of your trouble ~ it's amazing what praising will do!

Be encouraged

~ Pastora Allie

Friday, January 6, 2012

My journey of FAITH in 2011

My most memorable experience in 2011 was my journey of Faith. To know and experience God's  goodness in a personal physical way. We all go thru experiences in our lives where our faith and inner convictions will be tested at a greater degree than ever before. Solid in my faith in God and in His Word I received a negative report that challenged by faith and the confession of my mouth. Not understanding the journey ahead God was working behind the scenes in my favor. I discovered a lump growing rapidly in my breast, not having medical insurance God opened doors in my favor with the best medical treatment. After many test and different medical opinions the final result was to have a Lumpectomy. I was told by the best surgeon in that field (in the state) that I had 1% chances of saving my breast. I battled for 3 wks to maintain my position of faith declaring a supernatural intervention from God. Everything in me was battling the negative report - at that point I called out for reinforcement and support from my church family. They ministered faith and word 24/7 thru prayer/fasting and scriptures reminding me of the promises of God. When the day of surgery came I had absolute peace that God was in control of all things. I saw the hand of God from day one and thru out my recovering.  God provided 100% medical assistance - had the best surgeon in the state - by God's grace was able to save part of my breast - recovering was supernatural and the love that surrounded me was priceless.

God allowed me to go thru the process to proof Himself faithful. I have been strengthened and reinforced with power in my inner self by the Holy Spirit Himself who dwells in me. My strength and my refuge, as I confidently trusted in Him and in His Word. Believing and declaring daily the strength to walk in divine health. My daily confession has been as I part-take of daily communion every morning is - as He is in Heaven, so am I here on earth ~ HEALED / COMPLETE AND WHOLE.

I am eternally grateful for the prayers and support I received during this difficult season of my life. I could't have gone thru this without everyones support.

I pray that my experience and testimony would be used by Him to help strengthen your trust in God to get you through whatever difficult situation you might be facing now, or one day in the future. God is much more interested in honoring our trust in Him than what a legion of demons of doubt want us believing when we're going through a trail.

Anchored in Him...
~ Pastora Allie ~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fear of failure broken !!

"For you have not been created for failure," says the Lord.  "Even this day, the fear of failure would try to tell you a lie and that you will never succeed.  Rise up now and break the fear and that voice of failure in your life!"

 Prophetic Scripture:
Joshua 1:8 - This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:  for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The fear of failure is one of the greatest obstacles that people have to overcome.  Most often we fear failure because of a previous negative experience, when something didn't work out the way we planned.  Maybe it was a prayer that we prayed and we didn't receive the answer we wanted.  Perhaps, it was a project or business endeavor that didn't produce the desired results.  Whatever your circumstance happens to be, these things can plant a failure mentality or fear of failure in our minds.  Then as you step out in faith again, your mind will try to tell you, "remember what happened the last time?"  If we are not careful, then we find ourselves less willing to take steps toward the success God really intends for our lives.  However, the verse above, tells us the our road to good success is found by meditating on the Word of God.  Why is that true?  Because, if you keep looking at all those previous experiences, you will lack confidence in your ability to succeed in life.  But if you look everyday at all the promises and encouragement found in the Bible, you will go through the day feeling like you can overcome anything!  In addition to that, a lifestyle of daily focus on God's Word will also help you stay obedient to the Lord, and that in itself will keep you clear of failure!  We don't have to fear any type of failure when we keep our eyes on the Lord and His Word.  In fact, we have the power to speak to those thoughts and demons of failure and tell them to leave us in Jesus' Name.  Rise up and break the fear of failure trying to enter your life today!