Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Dominion of a Living God

Daily prophetic word 
The Dominion of the Living God
"So take dominion now," says the Living God, "even as I have taken dominion over the darkness of this world.  For My glory shall be seen in you as you hold your heavenly seat of rule over the darkness that would try to intimidate you this very day."

Prophetic Scripture:
Daniel 6: 25-26 - …for he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.  He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in the heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.

Often the trials of life and darkness that surround us in this world appear very intimidating.  When your emotions are trying to tell you how bad everything is, you can easily forget that you have been given dominion over these things.  That means you have the ability to stay in control and create a change in your situation.  You see, God created man to be a ruler.  In Genesis 1:28, he told him to have dominion, all the while knowing that there was an enemy out there who wanted to steal it away.  Adam and Eve fell when they lost control and gave their dominion away.  Trouble, trials, fears, habits and disappointments do not have to control you.  You can control them!  Take your rightful place of dominion and refuse to give it away.  You may be telling yourself, "I am trying to stay in control, but I can't seem to hold on!"  In the Scipture above, we find that dominion was not a problem for God.  He delivered Daniel from being torn apart in the lion's den because God was in control and ruled that entire situation.  All Daniel did was remain confident in God's dominion and he was delivered.  As a Christian, God lives inside you.  Therefore His dominion is in there too.  Be confident in that dominion when your situation is trying to take it away.  Never just give up with the attitude of "Oh well, I tried everything, I guess this is it, I am going to fail."  Do you think if Daniel had carried that attitude he would have been saved from the lions?  Possibly not!  God's dominion inside you is for you to maintain confident control in every situation.  It will rescue you from harm, and work signs, wonders and miracles!


Lord, I thank You for Your stable position of dominion.  I know that You have placed that same dominion on the inside of me.  I believe it.  Therefore, I take dominion over my situation regarding __________________________________.  I declare I have authority and I will be rescued and delivered from all that would try to devour me.  I expect signs, wonders and miracles to manifest as I take my seat of heavenly rule right now!  Thank You Lord!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

God's Supernatural Favor

Daily prophetic word 
Favor in business 

"Watch this day, for I will favor you in the sight of the world," says the Lord, "and I will place a spirit of increase over you and many people shall suddenly pour resources into your hands.  So that in all your business dealings, you will know that I have placed multiplied provisions over you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Exodus 11:3 - And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians.  Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people.

Whenever God asks you to do something, He always provides the needed resources for you to accomplish the task at hand.  When God asked Moses to lead the people out of Egypt, He provided the needed resources for them to do so.  He didn't send them empty, but sent them fully supplied.  However, the unique part was the way in which the Lord supplied for them.  Notice he first caused them to receive favor from the Egyptians.  Think about the magnitude of what that entailed!  Here Moses has been threatening their leader Pharaoh for days, plagues were everywhere and the people were preparing to escape the country and they still found favor in the sight of the citizens of Egypt!  Talk about amazing!   In other words, God granted them favor when favor didn't seem possible.  Do you know that God wants to give you favor in your dealings too?  Even when it may seem like the economy is down or there are no openings for you to find a job.  God gives supernatural favor when favor seems hard to find!  Now that does not mean we have license to be rude or do things that will cause us to lose favor.  What it means is, that as we are obeying God and doing what is right, God will cause poeple to favor us, even when they didn't intend to do so.  Prosperity and increase begins with favor.  People give you things when it wasn't something they were planning or would even normally do!  Whatever business, talent, ministry or call you have been anointed for, your season of increase will come on the wings of God's favor.  Then you will be filled with more than you ever dreamed!


Dear Heavenly Father, I activate my faith for unprecidented favor in all my business dealings today.  I declare new doors of opportunity and blessing will open unto me.  Rescources shall come into my hands in the most supernatural ways.  I expect favor to follow me everywhere I go today and I thank You Lord for anointing me for favor now.  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glory is Filling the House

Daily prophetic word
Glory is Filling the House!

"Look now," says the Lord, "for the days when My weighty glory shall fill your gatherings are being brought once again.  For in many places shall the cloud of My presence rest heavily among you to do signs and wonders, even in the houses of prayer once again!"

 Prophetic Scripture:
2 Chronicles 5:13-14 - …then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.

So many Christians talk about wanting to experience the glory of God in their life.  God wants us to experience His manifested glory.  Ephesians 1:18, says we might know or experience the riches of His glory.  In the Bible, we always find this weighty glory from the Lord resting in places where the people were dedicated in worship and in prayer.  The context of the verse above was that the people were doing three main things when the glory of the Lord filled the place where they were gathered.  First, they were praying.  Prayer is paramount to experience true glory, both privately and corporately.  Secondly, they were giving God strong and unrestrained worship with their voices and instruments.  Then thirdly, they were making great sacrifices.  It wasn’t just one or two things being placed on the altar.  No, the number of sacrifices in this case was astounding!  We can make a place for God’s manifested glory to rest upon us by doing these same things.  Then we can be sure wherever His glory falls there will be blessings, signs, wonders, healing and miracles.  It will mean there will be times when we have to set aside our plans and spiritual agenda and let the Holy Spirit take over.  That is what the glory will do.  All we have to do is make room for it and then expect the glory of the Lord to fill the house!


Father, I thank You for Your glory.  Cause me to know and experience Your glory in my life.  I commit myself to prayer and sacrifice so that Your glory can rest on my house.  Help me enter into places of glory and I ask that You teach me how to handle the weightier things of Your Spirit with maturity.  Lord, let me walk in the glory You have for me today!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Salt Upon the Earth

Daily prophetic word
Salt Upon the Earth!

"This day I am increasing your savor," says the Spirit.  "For I have created you to be like salt upon the earth and even in this year My people shall be known for bringing a new kind of miraculous and righteous flavor to all their places of influence.  Watch it happen in the days before you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Matthew 5:13 - Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
It seems at times like there are more Christians than ever who are content to blend in with the mindsets of the world.  It takes a valiant effort to keep that certain element in your life that sets you apart from the secular society.  This is why Jesus compares us to salt.  Salt has an element that makes food come alive like no other herb or spice.  Salt stands alone in its unique flavor and purifying elements.  So how do you know if you are still a salty Christian?  You will find yourself standing alone from the many secular mindsets and lifestyles of the day.  You will have a different take on many things from the non-Christian world around you.  Your views on raising children, television choices, attitudes and how you talk will be different.  Standing alone doesn't mean you are rude with people, but it means you don't adapt your lifestyle to the compromising spirit of the age.  If you don't make a daily choice to do so, it will become easier and easier to adapt certain ways of life that the Bible does not endorse and thus lose your salty savor.  Many Christians have fallen into that without even knowing it.  God wants to increase your savor once again.  He wants you to get back in His Word and refresh yourself on what kinds of lifestyles the Lord doesn't want you to be a part of.  The more you separate yourself from them, the saltier you will become as a child of God.  I believe, we are about to enter a time when many believers will say, "enough is enough."  They will decide to separate themselves from some things the world says are okay, but the Bible is totally against.  Many of these are much more subtle than others.  However, we are about to see a remnant of people who will stand out from the rest and God will look upon them as the true "salt of the earth."   These are those who will stand out with miracles, righteousness and the power of God.  They will be blessed and walk in the kind of prosperity that God gives in the days to come.  Let the Holy Spirit increase your saltiness today!


Dear Heavenly Father,  I ask You to make me a salty Christian.  Cause me to stand out and give me the boldness to make decisions for righteousness when it is sometimes easier to fit in.  Help me to see clearly the difference between that which is righteous and that which is of this world.  Forgive me for every area that I have allowed in my life that has made me lose my salty flavor and I ask you to increase my spiritual savor and testimony in the earth today.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Join our Book Club

Join our Book Club selection,
DREAM LANGUAGE by James W. Michal Ann Goll
Dream Language provides exciting and revealing truths about the Master Dream Weaver and His desire to communicate with you.
You will learn how to:
Receive and understand your dreams
Interpret and apply your dream revelations
Detect Dream Snatchers and Dream Drainers
Recognize the difference between Holy Spirit, natural, and demonic dreams
Eliminate obstacles keeping you from receiving God's revelations

Please confirm your participation
with questions or comments below...

Tune your Spiritual Antenna...


The devil is not the only enemy of our dreams that we have to watch out for. Every day we face any number of environments, attitudes, or circumstances that can drain away our dreams. Do a self-examination by considering the following questions...


Isaiah wrote, "In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.
Your ability to rest is critical for your ability to receive.
Taking time and developing the capacity to quite your soul and rest in the Lord, waiting silently before Him.


If you hope to receive revelation from the Lord, your channel of communication must be clean and uncluttered by the junk of the world. This involves renewing your mind.

THINGS THAT CAN CLOG THE CHANNEL and make you unreceptive to God's voice. Some most common ones to watch out for are:

* Worry - "Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret; it leads only to evildoing."

* Anger - "Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on     your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity."

*Lust - "Make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."

*Addictions - "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."

* Bitterness - See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled."


You must be careful with what you listen to because what you let in through your EYES and EARS is what your heart and mind will dwell on. In America, we severely lack discernment and discretion in this area. We are constantly bombarded of the worldly entertainment.

We have become DESENSITIZED (unaware/indifferent/insensitive) not only to the impure things around us but also to the very need to keep our hearts and minds, PURE before God.

Consider doing an entertainment fast - Purity is a magnet to revelation. All revelation that God releases is pure because He is pure. Corruption occurs at our end. We all see the world and approach THE THINGS OF GOD through the MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL "FILTERS" that our life experiences and circumstances have put in place.
Clean or dirty, they influence the way we see and respond to the world around us and affect the way we see and respond to God.

Paul's wise counsel: "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."


Inconsistent schedules an hinder the flow and retention of revelation. This is not your fault but simply DUE TO DEMANDS OF LIFE. God will meet you where you are and work with you. Seek the Lord for special times that are set apart for receiving from Him. You may have to give up some things - even some good things - in order to obtain the best things. SACRIFICE RELEASES POWER.
Occasional fasting can be helpful also because it will tenderize your heart and posture you for heavenly downloads.


God will not place on you more than you can bear.
PROVE FAITHFULNESS with a little, and God will give you more.
God is always looking for people to whom He can entrust His revelation. He may test us with a little to see what we do with it. The Holy Spirit is not obligated to give us more. FAITHFULNESS has its reward: INCREASE!!!


There is a learning process of being called, trained, and commissioned
(and retrained and recommissioned!).
Don't say more than God says, or more than God said to say. Don't add "hamburger helper" and thus exceed your level of credibility. Learn to pray and hold - do not cheat - and watch how you say it! God always ultimately has to JUDGE PRIDE!

Take Time to Come Out of the Clutter and Hear God -

God is up to something new and our planning can be the very clutter that dulls our ability to hear the voice of God.

"Prepare the way for the Lord's coming! Clear the road for Him!" Mark 1:3


Our relationships / failures / successes / possessions --

LETS GET A CLEANSE (clean out the sin from our soul)


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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Come out of the clutter

Come Out of the Clutter and Hear the Message of God

A very strong and clear word came to me recently:

"During this season, stay away from over-scripted, over-studied and over-choreographed personal lives and corporate church gatherings. God is up to something new and our planning can be the very clutter that dulls our ability to hear the voice of God."

We are living in cluttered times that have produced distracted lives. Family activities and careers ask for their fair share of our day. Ministry commitments ask us for more of our time. The needs of others stand in line at the door of our lives and want to come in. Each of these demands are good by themselves, but together they can become overwhelming in their ability to fill every spare moment of our lives. At some point we must push life back and create a place to listen to what the Spirit would say.

Take Time to Come Out of the Clutter and Hear the Message of God

John the Baptist stood in the wilderness and cried out for people to prepare for the coming of the Lord.

"Prepare the way for the Lord's coming! Clear the road for Him!" Mark 1:3

All the people in Jerusalem and all the people in the surrounding countryside left their known civilization and walked out into the uncluttered wilderness in response to John's voice. A friend recently told me that at that time there were over a million people in Jerusalem and the surrounding region. Imagine a group of people that large walking away from the city and out into the wilderness to hear about Jesus. They left the clutter of their everyday lives and walked out into the simplicity of the wilderness to hear the message of God.

Paul addressed cluttered lives when he wrote to the Church in Corinth:

"The time that remains is very short. So from now on, those with wives should not focus only on their marriage. Those who weep or who rejoice or who buy things should not be absorbed by their weeping or their joy or their possessions. Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away. I want you to be free from the concerns of this life." 1 Corinthians 7:29-32

Later in verse 35 Paul wrote:

"I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible."

Paul was listing, among those things that can distract us, our relationships, our failures, our successes and our possessions. When all of the stuff of life begins to fill our lives, we become absorbed into them and take on their shape – and our image changes. Like wet clay, we are crafted into an image of the distractions in our lives instead of being absorbed and molded into the image of Christ.

Words of Promise Spoken in the Past are Now in Orbit Over Our Lives Waiting for God's Signal to Land

Profound and epic change is taking place upon the earth. Promises spoken by God are hanging above the Church seeking places to fall. God is looking for target audiences – not target audiences that come from opinion polls or logical conclusions but target audiences that have prepared themselves for His coming. These target audiences are those personal lives and public ministries that have cleared away landing zones for Heaven to touch down, much like an "LZ" (Landing Zone) that would be provided in a military operation for an incoming aircraft.

Now is the time to push back the clutter and distractions of life that are occupying your time and space and draining your away your energy.

For the last year, I have felt that much of what Heaven wants to do upon the earth is now hovering over the Church, ready to fall into our midst. Words of promise spoken in the past are now in orbit over our lives waiting for God's signal to land. Heaven is prepared for this landing. God is asking His people to prepare for His coming by providing uncluttered landing zones where His Spirit can set down and do extraordinary things. Remove the clutter and distractions and welcome the coming of the Lord.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Receive double

“Look for the doubling now!” says the Lord.  “I want to double you, for where there has been shame and you have been looked on with contempt for seeking Me, I will repay each time with a double portion for your sacrifice! Today is your day to receive double!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 61:7 – For your shame ye shall have double, and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion:  therefore in their land they shall posses the double:  everlasting joy shall be unto them.

When we give our commitment to God and take a stand for His ways, our efforts will never go unnoticed.  God always gives back when we give to Him.  This becomes even more powerful when we give to God from a place of great sacrifice, when it really costs us something.  Sometimes we can be laughed at for what we believe, even by family and friends, but God will stand up for you!  He won’t let you be accused or mistreated for serving Him without bringing a payback blessing into your life.  Even more powerful is the fact that those blessings come with a double price tag attached to them!  God pays double when we are willing to be shamed for following His ways!  God considers your work for His kingdom important and while we do it joyfully with gratitude, God takes it as a worthy work.  Now we don’t expect anything from God that way, because He has already given us everything, but that is how God is, a giver.  He gave and we give back to Him and He will always keep the giving cycle going!  His promise is that you will not suffer shame without possessing a double blessing in your life!


Father, I receive Your double blessing for my life.  I declare that I walk in a double anointing.  I am looking for it, Lord, and ask that You grant me confidence to expect it.  Thank You Lord for giving to me and I ask that You will help me find many ways to give myself and my possessions sacrificially back to You.  I love You, Lord!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

New Zeal in the Church

Daily prophetic word
New Zeal in the church

"Look to the days ahead," says the Lord, "as I place a new zeal for righteousness upon My people and there shall be a new and clear dividing line between those who shall walk in the spirit and those who defend the world.  For this is the time when those who stand for My ways, shall stand out and I will place My fire and anointing upon them."

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 119:139 - My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.

We are in a prophetic season where God is stirring the spirit of many of His people to take a greater stand for righteousness.  While some are content to go with the flow of the world and accept many of its mindsets, there is a remnant that is about to shine forth like never before.  In fact, the more the world displays the works of unrighteousness, the more God's remnant will take a stand in this hour.  Isaiah 37:31-32 says that the remnant of the Lord will dig its roots deep in the land and bear fruit as a result.  All of this will happen because a spirit of zeal is stirred in the Lord as well as in His people.  God's zeal is being stirred up right now and so is the zeal of His people. So whenever darkness and compromise are evident, zeal will only increase.  I believe the church is in a time when the evil all around us will only act like a spiritual "fertilizer."  In other words, when evil is raging, we will refuse to blend in or become discouraged, we will only get more determined for God!  This action among thepeople of God will automatically draw a line between the righteous and the unrighteous.  Never think we are just in a time when things are becoming more gray.  No, they will be black and white, because God's people will define which side they are on. 


Dear Lord, I ask that You will stir up the spirit of zeal within me.  I pray that You will grant me boldness to stand up for what is right in this hour.  I pray this for all Your people.  Stir up our zeal Lord that we will take a greater stand for You.  Let us bear much fruit for righteousness in the land in this hour!  Thank You Jesus!  Amen.