Friday, September 24, 2010

Join our Book Club

Join our Book Club selection,
DREAM LANGUAGE by James W. Michal Ann Goll
Dream Language provides exciting and revealing truths about the Master Dream Weaver and His desire to communicate with you.
You will learn how to:
Receive and understand your dreams
Interpret and apply your dream revelations
Detect Dream Snatchers and Dream Drainers
Recognize the difference between Holy Spirit, natural, and demonic dreams
Eliminate obstacles keeping you from receiving God's revelations

Please confirm your participation
with questions or comments below...

1 comment:

  1. THE CHANCE BY Karen Kingsbury is a novel about Ellie and Nolan who grew up together. Ellie moved away and Nolan became an NBA star. Ellie and Nolan wrote letters to each other and buried them in a metal tackle box when they were both fifteen. Will they find each other after eleven years or not? Nolan depends on God and proclaims his faith constantly. Ellie has left her god behind. Nolan tries to find Ellie to no avail. They both promised to come back and read the letters. Will they?
