Friday, April 26, 2013

An Expectation of the Miraculous

The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27

When my husband and I were anticipating the arrival of our granddaughter Isabella, we received a word that this would be the SEASON of MANIFESTATION... 

My spirit was stirred to believe God for the Supernatural... to live each day with expectation of the miraculous.  My heart is challenged. I wonder if we (the Body of Christ) are walking with an earnest expectation of the miraculous. Are we truly expecting to see the goodness of God manifested (birthed) on earth, or are we just hoping that it will be? Hope in god is good, but the Lord wants to turn our hope into a living, breathing expectation. God is calling us to supernatural living and it begins with an expectation of the miraculous. 

I'll be honest, I'm not always walking pregnant, so to speak, with this kind of expectation. More than once I have minimized the words of Jesus when He said, "He who believes in Me the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father" John 14:12 

The enemy is always trying to discourage us and cause us to lose sight of who we are in Christ and all that comes along with our birthright. We are governed by the natural (what the news says, what the doctor says, etc.) yet we are children of a supernatural God who asked us to pray that things would be on earth just as they are in Heaven.

Mary was pregnant with the expectation of God's kingdom being manifested on earth. Her hope in God brought her to this level of expectation, "Let it be to me according to Your word" Luke 1:38. 
She took God at His word and the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. Something supernatural happens when we allow God to overshadow us.

The time has come for the manifestation of every prophecy to be fulfilled. Ezekiel 12:23, 25, 28 says For I am the Lord. I speak and will come to pass. It will no more be postponed... None of My words shall be delayed any more, but the word which I speak will be done, says the Lord God. 

So do not weary in doing good. Continue to stand on the Word, believe in God's promises, and trust His faithfulness. Continue to pray, decree, and declare. Continue to persevere and endure until you see the Breakthrough. Continue to choose hope over despair, faith over fear, and truth over facts. 

So I say to you again: Do not weary in doing good. Not a moment has been wasted. Keep believing. 

Have you been given a big promise from God? Perhaps a prophetic word regarding your calling or destiny? Perhaps it's the promise of divine health? Or perhaps the salvation of a family member? Whatever it is, know this. If God spoke it, it's true and it will come to pass. Period. If it hasn't happened yet, that doesn't mean God has forgotten you, or that the devil is winning. God is with you. Just like He was with Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Peter and all the other heroes of FAITH that the Lord did great works with. 

Keep praying. Keep praising. And keep expecting. There is nothing the enemy would like better than for you to give up. Don't...  It's the Year of Manifestation... The fulfillment of your promise is right around the corner. God spoke it and it will come to pass. I truly believe that the time is much closer than you suspect. 

The Word of God will not return to Him void but it will accomplish what He sent them out to do. 

You too can take God at His Word. Every promise, every utterance from God is yours. Though it tarries don't give up. Be expecting.... 

Be encouraged.... 

Pastora Allie 

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