Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Wine...

Daily prophetic word 
The Season of Many Streams
“Yes, it is upon the earth now, when many streams of My Spirit shall flow.  Not just one expression here or there, but it will be depths of glory so great that none shall stop it.  So prepare for the streams of My Spirit to flow freely in new and different ways.”

Prophetic Scripture:
Ezekiel 47:5 - …and it was a river that I could not pass over:  for the waters were risen waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.

Something changes in us when we realize that God wants to manifest in many powerful ways.  God is very divers in how He expresses Himself.  In Scripture He appeared to people in many different ways.  Sometimes as a burning bush, other times as a warrior and even as a wheel within a wheel.  This tells us that there are many “streams” to God’s Spirit.  In other words, He is a big and creative God and will flow in unique ways, many of which might be new to you and I.  Just because we have not seen something, does not mean that God is not on it.  In our limited lifespan, it is impossible to have experienced all the expressions of God’s Spirit.  That is why when the disciples of Jesus wanted to stop a man from casting out a demon in Luke 9:49-50, because he wasn’t part of their group, Jesus told them no!  He said, “Listen if He is for me, then let him alone!”  His expression and style might not have been just like theirs, but the Lord defended it.  We can easily get hung up in the style of one denomination or camp, but God is bigger than those limited things.  He is a God of many streams and He is going to manifest them freely in the earth today.  I believe the season is upon us when we won’t be able to ignore the greatness of it, because this kind of river of God’s Spirit will rise until it can’t be overlooked!  Get ready for God’s streams of anointing are upon us!


Lord, help me to step out into the fresh streams of the spirit today!  I want to walk with you on the raging rivers of Your mighty anointing.  I bind every religious mindset and take hold of new and living waters.  Let the expression of Your Spirit be manifest in my life right now!  I receive the new wine and flow of the Holy Ghost today! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

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