Thursday, February 24, 2011

Follow in faith ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Dayspring from on High!
"My visitation is here and near you now," says the Lord.  "I am the light in your darkest tunnel.  For NOW, I am the day that springs forth from on high and you shall see the path out of every trial.  For mercy has come for you."

Prophetic Scripture:
Luke 1:78 -79 - Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

That's right!  The Lord is the day that springs up from the darkness!  No matter what you are dealing with or trying to sort through today, God is always the light that leads you out of it all.  The reason we often have trouble following Him out is because we are too busy examining the darkness instead of looking at the light.  We go over our trials, work problems, financial problems, health issues and family troubles again and again trying to figure a way out of the problem.   We need to refix our eyes on the Lord.  He is the light.  He is the dayspring.  But do you know what the best part of that is?  He is more than willing to shine the light to help you.  Not only is He the light, but He is merciful to give it to us.  You may not feel like the light guiding you is very bright today, but you can get out of a tunnel with just a flash light!  It doesn't take much to guide you to safety.  Look for the light of God guiding you every day, every moment and in everything.  Mercy is leading you out today! 


Dear Lord, I thank You for your mercy that is shining light upon me today!  I receive that light.  Help me to see Your guiding hand in every situation or trial.  I make a choice to take my eyes off the darkness right now.  I command my mind to be still and begin to focus on the light of the Holy Spirit!    Lord I am willing to follow Your light wherever  You may lead me and ask that You give me to confidence to follow You in faith!  I stand in the light of Your mercy today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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