Monday, February 7, 2011

He has an appointment with you ...

Daily prophetic word 
God Comes in Night Watches
“For I come with great impartations which are found even when you seek Me in the night hour,” says the Spirit.  “Know that My eye waits for you at this time.  So remember Me in the night watch and I will fill you with dreams and My secrets there!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 63:5-6 – My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:  When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

There is something about seeking God during the night hours that just can’t be reproduced during the day.  It creates a sense of aloneness, just you and God.  The world is quiet, the phone doesn’t ring and appointments aren’t scheduled.  You even think less, in the night hour, about all the tasks that are before you.  In fact, most people are usually less goal oriented at night and tend to reflect more on life, their lifestyles and relationship with God.  Night is a personal time.  I believe this is why God fills us uniquely at night, because we are more open and receptive to Him.  We seem more willing to take a good look at ourselves too.  In the verse above, David writes that he is uniquely fulfilled when he seeks the Lord at the night watches.  These are special periods in which to wake, watch, and seek the Lord and then sleep again.  Sometimes those nights when you just can’t sleep are the perfect opportunities for a night watch with the Lord.  There is something important about having certain times with the Lord at night.  Jesus practiced it.  He sought God a great while before day (Mk 1:35).  Sometimes He continued in prayer all night (Lk 6:12).  God wants to talk to you some of the time at night because there He can share with you things you may not hear during the day.  I believe there are prophetic things for this season that the Lord wants to share with us if we will find times to seek Him in the night watches!


Lord, I long for You in the night hour the way You wait for me at that time.  Cultivate a hunger inside of me to spend certain times with You at night.  Open my eyes to Your secrets and I thank You that I shall find new fulfillment during the watches of the night! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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