Saturday, November 20, 2010

Align your faith to the word

Daily prophetic word 
Declarations from the Throne!
“Know that I have already declared your beginning and ending,” says the Spirit, “and nothing can interfere if you will believe Me.  Yes, you are set to prosper, so receive now your many declarations of blessings that have come from My throne!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 44: 6&8 – Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.  Fear ye not, neither be afraid:  have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? Ye are even my witnesses.  Is there a God beside me?  Yea, there is no God; I know not any.

When something is declared from the throne of a king you should be confident that what is being said will not be taken lightly.  People will have to change their plans, habits and perhaps entire lifestyle to adjust to the kingly word.  In the verses above, the word declared simply means a published announcement.  God, the King of the universe has made a published announcement of blessing and prosperity that applies specifically to your life.  Sometimes the devil tries to make us fearful about how the future may turn out.  He wants us to focus on the bad things and failures of the past, but the focus of our confidence must return to what the throne has already declared for us.  The fight is against your commitment to keep believing what the king has said.   That is how Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:1).  He began with the words “hath God said?”  Then he used circumstances and surroundings to make them question the word of the Lord.  Stay with what God has declared for you.  It has come straight from His throne and cannot be altered if you will believe it without wavering.  The throne has declared you a success.  It has declared you delivered, healed, accepted, beautiful, prospered, joyful and at peace.  Stand up on the inside and align your faith and attitude with the King’s declaration of blessing and watch the glory of God unfold all around your life!


Lord, I thank You that I serve the King of all Kings today.  I receive in my heart every word that has been declared from Your holy throne!  I align myself with these decrees and words of blessing.  I speak to my future and command all that I set my hand to do to prosper right now!  I declare success to my life, for a declaration of good has come from the throne of the living God!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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