Release of Weights!
“For why do you carry the heavy burdens?” says the Lord. “And why do you hold onto the things that pull you down into fear and torment? Release those weights that hold and distract you that you might run free. For I have already delivered you from them.”
Prophetic Scripture:
Hebrews 12:1 - …let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
We can easily pick up and carry all sorts of things in life that the Lord never intended for us to carry around. Some of these burdens are carried in our minds as fears, pain, resentment and rejection. Other times they manifest as sins, choices, and outward distractions that simply pull us away from the Lord. We have to make a daily choice and commitment not to allow various weights to attach themselves to us. It is easy to make the excuse that we are carrying these things because of circumstances that are out of our control. Maybe someone hurt you or the financial pressure in your life caused you to become a workaholic until God was not on your list of priorities. The only way to happiness is to make a set choice that we will not allow weights and sins to pull us off track. The trick is to watch for them because they don’t always come noticeably. The enemy tries to attach them a little at a time until you wake up one day and feel like a pack camel. Then you ask yourself, “Where did all these burdens come from?” The way to stay free from them is to stay close to the Word of God. Jesus said that His yoke or burden was easy and light (Mt 11:29). It is much easier to stay at the feet of Jesus and learn His ways, than to be weighted down by the world. The closer to God we become, the lighter we will be, but the closer to the world we are, the more burdened down we will stay. Isn’t it time? Run to Him and release those weights that are holding you down today!
Father, I come to You in humility at this moment and I lay aside every weight in my life. I release them to You and ask that You help me to not retrieve them anymore. I repent of every sin, distraction and act of disobedience right now, please forgive me. I give myself into Your hands and I choose to walk in the lightness that only You can provide. Thank You Lord that I am light and burden free today! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
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