Saturday, November 6, 2010

Suddenly ...

Daily prophetic word 
Sudden Intervention
"For in the moment you think there is no solution, this shall be the time for faith in the One who knows no boundary or limits.  For I will show My power with sudden intervention this day and you shall be delivered!" says the Spirit of the Lord.

Prophetic Scripture:
Acts 16:26 - And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's hands were loosed.

Now many of us are very familiar with the story about Paul and Silas in prison in Acts 16.  They were in a situation that really looked hopeless.  They were bound in jail with their feet and hands in stocks, while their backs were bleeding from a beating they had received earlier for preaching about the Name of Jesus.  Without a doubt they were uncomfortable and in a lot of pain.  It might have even looked like God had deserted them in their hopeless situation as they sat in the dark prison cell.  They could have chosen to complain and question God as to why He allowed them to go through this trying time.  Yet, that is not what they chose to do.  Instead they chose to worship the Lord in the middle of their pain, in the middle of their darkest moment.  When all hope seemed lost they praised the Lord with joy!  Instead of looking at the chains and prison walls, they saw a God who is not bound by prison doors!  In that setting, God stepped in with sudden intervention.  Stop seeing your prison walls today.  Stop seeing your impossibilities and look to a God who can deliver you from your most trying situations.  Start calling today, and everyday, the day of God's sudden intervention! 


Dear Heavenly Father, I worship You today.  I praise You and rejoice that You are a God of sudden intervention.  Forgive me for the times when I complained instead of praising You.  Move in my life, just as You did for Paul and Silas, and I believe Your power will come into my situation with sudden intervention even when I least expect it!  Thank You Lord!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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