Monday, January 31, 2011

The joy of the Lord ...

Daily prophetic word 
Oil of Gladness
"Yes," says the Lord, "I have set a joyful course before you, so don’t be heavy in heart, for I have anointed you with the oil of gladness that you might find a glorious future, so choose now to remain in a place of rejoicing!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 45:7 – Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

God has destined us to live in gladness.  During periods of difficulty in our lives, gladness doesn’t always seem to come easily.  However, in the Scripture above, we find a prophetic verse about Jesus that shows us how to have gladness in every situation of our lives.  We find that God anointed Jesus with the oil of gladness.  Yes, there is a special anointing from the Spirit of God specifically for gladness.  We can see how this anointing operated over Jesus.  He chose to be crucified and according to the Bible, He was glad about it.  Now, certainly He wasn’t looking forward to what He suffered because He once prayed that if it were possible to avoid, He would rather not go through with it (Mt. 26:39).  Yet, something enabled Jesus to overcome those feelings.   Hebrews 12:2, says He saw a course of joy in front of Him that made Him look past all reservation.  It takes an anointing from the Lord to look past our present circumstances and be glad because beyond it we see a glorious future.  Jesus had something on His life that drew that kind of anointing to Him.  It was because He loved righteousness and hated wickedness.  When you choose obedience to God and refuse to walk in sin then the anointing for gladness will follow your life.  God wants you to be glad today, because when the oil of gladness is upon you, then you will see things like you have never seen them before!


Lord, I receive the anointing for gladness today.  I expect to have joy in my course.  Let a new anointing come over me right now so that I am empowered to look past the present and see my glorious future.  I choose the course of joy over heaviness today.  I bind every evil spirit of heaviness and sorrow and I step into the oil of gladness today!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Friday, January 28, 2011

God walks before you ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Breaker has come !
"For I am calling you to break spiritual barriers again," says the Spirit.  "Even now, My anointing goes before you for strength and for war.  Know that the Breaker has come up, and you shall go through the gates!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Micah 2:3 – The breaker is come up before them; they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.

God wants to anoint you to win every spiritual war.  Yet, not win in such a way where you gain victory and come out of it battle wounded and scarred.  Instead, we need to paint a new mental picture of our spiritual warfare.  God wants you and I to win whatever He has called us to accomplish with amazing power.  Some of us try to wage war against the devil as if we are little toy soldiers.  Think of it this way, if a soldier went out against an enemy army wearing flip-flops and holding just a pistol, he would be in big trouble!  Yet, this is how many Christians try to wage war in the spirit—like they have no weapons.  They forget to use what God provides them.  However, God’s picture of spiritual warfare is similar to the soldier who comes in with shock and awe standing in his anointing and authority.  This is what the Bible was revealing when it speaks of the Breaker coming up before them.  It meant that God was walking in front of a supernaturally anointed army tearing up everything in front of them first and clearing the way to victory!  He is the Mighty God who levels every force of resistance in front of you!  Resist the devil today, as you follow the Lord of the Breakthrough to bring you powerfully through every gate before you.


Lord, I thank You that I serve the God of Breakthrough today!  I resist every demonic force that would try to kill, steal or destroy my life.  I expect Your anointing to come upon me for victory.  I stand confident in your miraculous power to bring me through every resistance today!  I thank You for it now! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's time to cross over ...

Daily prophetic word 
Step Into It
For the Spirit says, "What is it that you fear to cross over?  Am I not the Lord who parted waters and caused armies to pass over against Jericho?  Step into it; step into the waters now," says the Lord, "and see the waves of hindrance back away as you cross into new places in the spirit!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Joshua 3:15-16 – And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, …That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon a heap…and the people passed over against Jericho.

God is always about progression.  He wants His people to be constantly in forward motion, not in retreat because of intimidating circumstances and situations.  In the days of Joshua, the people were hindered from crossing over the Jordan river, but once the priests who carried the Ark of God put their feet in the water, the Bible says the waters fled from them!  Then God brought them successfully over on dry ground to confront Jericho.  These seeming obstacles didn’t deter God from pushing His people forward.  Instead, the priests carried the Ark of the Covenant right into the opposing circumstance.  You and I are the priests of the Lord (Rev. 1:6), and we carry inside of us the ark, the presence of God Himself.  When you choose to step out onto the “water,” which is that particular obstacle that seems to hinder you from going forward, then the glory and anointing of God in you will cause hindering forces to back away.  A “Jericho” situation in your life will be of no consequence because when you step into the water and follow the Spirit, His power is there to move what is standing before you!


Father, I stand confidently now, that I am anointed to step into and cross over every opposing circumstance that is holding me back from your divine plan.  I prophesy to my situation now and say that resistance must fall and turn back.  I commit myself to progress forward and follow the voice of your Spirit as you lead me into new and exciting things! In Jesus’ Name, amen 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A fresh wave of glory ...

Daily prophetic word 
New Wave of Leaders
Get ready, says the Lord, for I am raising up a new breed of leaders who shall have My heart.  For they shall be pure and equipped to restore the gold and precious anointing in My house.  For watch now as this fresh wave of glory begins to sweep the lands.

Prophetic Scripture:
Jeremiah 3:15,  And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

God wants us to know that He will always have leaders who carry His heart and His messages.  We can all become disappointed with leaders, preachers and even fellow Christians for various reasons.  However, always be assured that God always has a remnant who will not compromise their message or level of righteousness.  I believe that God is about to raise a people who will not only maintain their purity and anointing, but the number of these leaders will increase.  We have to remember that Jesus is Lord over His church and He will see to it that it is being operated in good hands.  That does not mean that there won’t be leaders who are not good representations of the Kingdom, but it does mean that you can trust there are good ones everywhere.  Allow yourself to receive from God’s leadership in this hour and believe that you can trust their counsel and anointing.  Sometimes people like to hide behind the excuse of hurt, lack of good feeding, and disappointment with ministries.  If you are keeping your life pure and walking close to God, trust that He will put you in the right place and provide the right leaders who will feed you the Word of God.  God is going to have leaders who will not compromise or have a religious spirit, but who will allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in their services and will restore the precious and glorious anointing in the House of the Lord! 


Father, I pray for ministry leaders today.  Bless them and help them to follow You in purity and in the anointing . Grant them boldness in their preaching and help them in their walk of righteousness.  Lord, I release any resistance I have toward godly leadership and I open my heart to receive from those who You have ordained to minister in my life.  Thank You Lord for Your leaders who carry Your heart for me!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Supernatural Experiences ...

Daily prophetic word 
Days in the Spirit
“Expect to have days where you will step into the spirit,” says the Lord.  “For I have set times in prayer for you to experience the most incredible things with Me.  Yes, there will be visions, dreams and revelations that will carry out much in the earth!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Revelation 1:10 – I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a voice, as of a trumpet.

Always keep in mind that God is a Spirit (John 4:23) and He works in the spirit realm.  When the Apostle John was “in the spirit” in the Scripture above, he was in a place of prayer where his perception was more in the realm of the spirit than the earth around him.  God wants us to have times like that too.  God can be found in the physical realm, but we need times where we come to Him “in the spirit.”  So how do we position ourselves to get there?  First, it requires a sacrifice.  I am sure John had many things he could have been thinking about the day he received the vision that wrote the Book of Revelation.  He could have been complaining and asking God why he was exiled to the island of Patmos.  No, instead he turned his focus away from the earth around him and connected with the Lord in the spirit.  He stepped into a place with God where he supernaturally began to see into the spirit realm.  He was more conscious of that than his physical location.  If we make time with God, I believe we will have more of these incredible supernatural experiences with Him.  When that happened for John he saw many visions and amazing things were revealed.  Many others in the Bible experienced similar things, but it came because they gave their time to the Spirit.  God is waiting and wants your “days in the spirit” to be a great blessing in the earth!


Father, I come to You in the spirit.  I ask that You would teach me to enjoy days in the spirit as I give my time to You.  I declare that I will begin to have supernatural experiences with You.  I expect to see visions and have divine revelations from You Lord.  Open my spiritual eyes and ears, Lord, and allow me to step into the spirit today.  Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

God will open a way for your gift ...

Daily prophetic word 
Gifted For This Hour
“It is not by accident that you were born in this time.  For you have been graced for it,” says God.  “See now your gifts and abilities and let Me enrich them one by one.  Say no more that you have nothing to give, for I have gifted you especially for this hour!”

Prophetic Scripture:
I Corinthians 1:4-7 – I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; that in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:

It might be easier today to see all of your inadequacies and shortcomings, yet God always sees us as gifted and talented people.  The reason many people don’t live to their fullest potential is because they don’t believe in themselves the way God does.  God believes in you!  It is because He has personally graced you.  You weren’t born by accident.  You were born during the perfect time to do something wonderful on earth.  The key is to break past all the obstacles that have obstructed you from seeing your own gifts and unique capabilities.  You can begin to see more clearly how God has gifted you by putting into practice these four things:  1) Believe you are gifted by God;  2) See your talents bigger than your inabilities;  3) Never complain about what doesn’t seem to work out right; and 4) Refuse to see yourself as a failure even when circumstances make you feel like one.  If you begin here, with a positive attitude, then God can open the way for your gifts to be developed and enriched by His Spirit.  See that God has anointed you powerfully today!


Father, I thank You that I am a gifted individual.  You have graced me to do great things.  I believe today that I am not going to fall short in any talent You have given me, but I am going to use my gifts to the best of my ability.  Help me see all the good qualities You have given me right now!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Total liberty ...

Daily prophetic word 
Affliction Undone
"Now, see with your own eyes," says the Lord, "all that has held you captive shall be turned back and know that your season of release from your barren land is fast upon you.  Yes and that which afflicted your early years shall be driven out from you in this present time." 

Prophetic Scripture:
Zephaniah 3:19-20 - Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.  At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.
It is time to do nothing but rejoice because God is undoing what the devil has been busy doing!  The enemy may have had an agenda for evil, but God's agenda is being carried out, not only in our cities and nations, but in our own personal lives.  God wants to make us famous as a testimony of His deliverance and so the nations can know that He is the true God who undoes affliction.  Even though your life may have been afflicted in some form or another for years, our confidence is knowing that God can completely undo all of it.  It is as if I can see the devil quickly trying to draw out a map on paper to lay out his evil plans, but as fast as he can write them, God is coming right after him with a big eraser so none of Satan's agenda can get carried out!  Know that wherever the devil has tried to make you known for failure, God wants to make you famous for Holy Ghost success!  Sieze your time for it right now!  See yourself coming out of that barren place of captivity and walking into total liberty and blessing! 


Hallelujah Lord,  I rejoice today that I am being delivered from the barren land!  You are already undoing every area of afflication that has tried to hold onto me.  I rise up today from the land of captivity and walk into my land of total favor.  I declare that I become known for God's work upon me and no longer shall I be known for any form of affliction.  This is my time and I seize my moment of favor because I am no longer put to shame.  Thank You Lord for Your blessing upon me today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Expect to see signs ...

Daily prophetic word 
Wonders in the Heavens
"For this is the time in which there shall surely be wonders in the heavens," says the Spirit.  "Everywhere My glory will be seen in this time of latter rain and many will be turned to righteousness.  Yes, the time of wonders in the heavens and signs in the earth have come to you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Acts 2:19 & 21 - And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath…And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

We are truly living in a remarkable period of time.  We should be thankful to be a part of it because I believe we are beginning to see some of the most supernatural events and happenings that have ever been recorded in modern history.  However, signs and wonders may not always appear as you expect them to.  Sometimes if we are not careful, we will miss them.  In fact, Isaiah 7, prophesied that one of the greatest signs that would appear in the heavens, would be that a virgin would bear a son.  However, the religious leaders living during the time that sign appeared didn't recognize it.  We often think supernatural signs are something that everyone in the world will respond to by saying, "Wow, that can only be God."  But signs and wonders that come from God don't always appear like that.  In fact, according to the Bible those who aren't looking for God to manifest may miss Him when He does appear!  Isn't that what will happen when Jesus returns?  Some will completely miss the event as if it never took place, while others will gloriously go on to be with the Lord.  However, God will manifest signs and wonders because He knows there are going to be those who are going to see them and respond favorably, just like the wisemen did when the star of Christ appeared in the sky.  Not everyone responded, but some did and were blessed!  Expect to see signs and wonders in the heavens through weather, government, leaders, in nations, through the church and even in supernatural healings and miracles.  We are in the seasons of wonders and God will use these things to cause many to be saved.  Look for the wonders in the heavens!


Heavenly Father, I want to thank You that I am living in a supernatural season in which signs and wonders are everywhere.  I ask that You will give me the spirit of revelation so that I will recognize each sign that You want me to see.  I declare that I see in the spirit and I will recognize the signs from God.  Lord manifest Your will on earth and I ask that the supernatural things from heaven will appear even in my own life, in this time.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Be a voice ...

Daily prophetic word 
Ignorant Men Confounded
“Yes, even as it was in times of old when men and women stood and confounded kings, so shall you confound the foolish acts of this age.  Even in media, workplaces and in courtrooms; get ready,” says the Spirit, “as the well doing of My people across the land silences accusations on every corner!”

Prophetic Scripture:
I Peter 2:15 – For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

You can’t argue with a deed done right!  When we make right choices and live in obedience to the ways of God, people around us can’t answer that behavior.  It becomes hard for them to laugh about sin at work when you are taking a stand in the opposite direction and smiling joyfully about it!  I believe there is a restless sound in the church right now.  People are tired of compromise and apathy.  They want the lines of truth and right to be clearly drawn.  They are ready to make some different choices because past compromise has produced nothing.  The Scripture above says that ignorant and foolish people are put to silence when we draw clear lines and do what is right.  We are not here to be self-righteous and critical, nor are we here to point fingers.  We just have to determine that we will not compromise what we believe and stand for.  God is stirring something in His people that will cause us to rise up as a unified sound in this hour.  Don’t you think it’s time that the foolish things of this world be confounded by our choices to do right?  I think God is ready and His people are too.  Something is about to happen that is going to place the church in position where the world won’t have a good argument to stop our voice!


Father, cause me to be a voice in this hour because of my actions.  Teach me how to set a righteous standard in love and mercy.  I repent for any area where I have compromised in the past.  I commit to walk as a light in this hour and I believe the world will see my actions and lives will be changed!  I thank You for it Lord right now. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Allow God to remove darkness from our lives ...

Daily prophetic word 
Shake out the Darkness!
"Yes, again I shall shake out the darkness and bring it into the light.  For I shall give My people the purity they have cried out for in their lives, homes, cities, churches and nations.  Remove all the dark things and run with me now," says the Lord, "and together let’s create a fresh stream of holiness in the earth!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Hebrews 12:26-27 – Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.  And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.  . .

It is always a good thing when God begins to shake things up.  I think of it similar to when you shake a little rug and all the dust comes flying out!  Afterwards, it looks so much better!  When God removes darkness from our lives, cities and nations, it is always with love and mercy even though a good shaking doesn’t always feel pleasing.  Yet it is better for God to do the shaking than for the devil to do it when he has gained access through uncontrolled darkness.  Remember that when God shakes the darkness from our lives, it is not with harm and shame.  He does it with His hand of mercy and care.  Realize when God shakes things, He begins with a word.  Respond to that shaking!  Get busy removing what He tells you to remove.  Sometimes there is more than one thing to shake out.  When we respond and work with God to first get the impurities out of our lives, we enable Him to build powerfully with all the good things that remain.  We become vessels of light that create a standard of holiness.  Then God can work together with us to remove the dust and impurities that exist in our schools, cities and nations so that His love and glory can fill the earth!


Father, I ask You to help me remove all impurities from my life.  Help me shake out the darkness.  I commit to walk in purity and ask that You will use me as a vessel of light to create a standard of holiness all over the world.  I thank You for it now. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Be a voice in this hour ...

Daily prophetic word 
Church Rise Up!
The Lord says, "Don’t be tempted to retreat because of hindering spirits that would seem to distract you on every side.  For now the voice of My Church must become even louder across the nations, and I am calling you to rise up and be strong," says the Spirit of the Lord!

Prophetic Scripture:
Matthew 10:18-20 – And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles; But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak:  for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.  For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

As the mighty church of the Lord Jesus we have the awesome privilege to be a voice for God in the earth.  Through the Holy Spirit in us, we are the force of righteousness that is placed here to resist evil and bring God’s glory to the nations.  We are called to speak about the Lord in our homes, workplaces, cities, regions and nations.  Jesus said that in some of those settings your righteous voice would not be well received (Mt. 10:22).  Of course, we have to stay in love, but we need to be bold and confident that we have been sent by God for a purpose.  Then we have to trust that the Holy Spirit will be there to anoint us, teach us and help us be a sharp and accurate voice for Him.  We live in an age when the voice of evil is trying with every possible measure to squelch the voice of righteousness, but we have to stand in faith that God’s Spirit will cause us to succeed and lives will be changed.  We need to be more consistent, more determined than ever to do our part to rise up and allow our light to shine brightly into the darkness no matter how much resistance the devil brings our way!  


I thank You Lord that I have been anointed to be a voice in this hour.  I am called to stand for righteousness in every place that I go.  I ask for Your anointing to speak today as one who carries the glory of God.  Grant me boldness and authority to bring Your Spirit into every place of influence I have and I trust that You will cause many to hear and receive it. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Secrets Revealed...

Daily prophetic word 
The Spirit of Understanding
“Receive now,” says the Spirit, “fresh understanding.  For expect a flow of anointing that will help you know My wisdom in every situation.  You shall know what to do and how to handle things, and even the secrets of heaven shall be revealed unto you!”

Prophetic Scripture:
2 Timothy 2:7 - …and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.

The Lord is not trying to keep us in the dark about things!  He is there to help us.  He wants to anoint you so that you can see into the spirit, find His wisdom and know the secrets of His heart.  The reason we often don’t see and receive the understanding we need is because we get blinded by other things.  We are blinded by the constant onslaught of negative things that surround us everyday, which prevent us from having understanding in spiritual things.  Yet, God can anoint us supernaturally by His Spirit to have understanding in spite of that.  We need that type of anointing!  We need the power of God to supersede the confusion that exists in the world around us.  Position yourself for an impartation of understanding today.  Where possible, train yourself to avoid the many voices that come from the world.  This way, you are better able to receive and hear from God.  Then ask for understanding from the Lord.  This is what Paul was doing in the Scripture above.  He was asking the Lord to give them understanding in ALL things.  Notice it was ALL things.  God is not going to leave you in the dark if you will expect to receive understanding.  Never take the position that God isn’t helping you.  Believe everyday that understanding comes easily to you by His anointing and you will find His secrets being revealed to you everyday!


Thank You Father for the Spirit of understanding today.  I expect to receive that anointing right now!  Help me be careful about what I hear, so that I can hear You clearly.  Train me Lord to hear Your secrets and know Your heart for every situation.  I receive Your understanding now! In Jesus’ Name, amen . 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Anointing for Greatness ...

Daily prophetic word 
Occupational Increase
"For I am the Lord that can make all things prosper.  For in Me dwells the wisdom and anointing to bring you into greater gainful employment.  There are new methods for you and I anoint you for occupational increase today," says the Spirit of the Lord.

Prophetic Scripture:
Deuteronomy 28:8 – The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in they storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

God wants us to succeed in life.  Our success in Him isn’t measured by the trials that may try to hinder us along the way, but by a life of continual growth.  In other words, God wants you to be better off today than you were five years ago.  He sees you increasing day by day.  Many people are frustrated, trying to get ahead, but they find themselves constantly between jobs, always trying to get a better income and then discover they aren’t any further along than they were five years ago.  God wants to anoint us with consistent occupational increase, so we can support His kingdom.  If you feel like you are not finding gainful employment after years of trying, then perhaps it is time to seek fresh direction from the Lord.  God may have new things for you to learn, new methods and fresh ideas.  Maybe you need to start a business, or perhaps close a business, get a different job or go to school.  In any case, pray, fast, and seek Him about it and allow the Lord to impart to you a new anointing for occupational increase.   Then be willing to change and do whatever God is leading you and then you will build upon it through consistency and longevity.  Believe that God is preparing and anointing you to step into occupational increase today!


Father, I thank You that You desire for me to prosper in my work.  I ask you to help me find the right vision and direction.  I submit to your ideas and make myself willing to work hard to reach my heavenly goals.  I use my faith today for occupational increase and stand here knowing that when I put my hand to work on your plan for me, and refuse to let go, it must prosper!  I am anointed to prosper right now and I thank you for it! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be free ...

Daily prophetic word 
Shake Yourself Free!
"For all oppression that might seem to hold you," says the Spirit, "I have made the escape for you by My power.  Loose yourself and shake yourself free from the bondage that tries to keep you.  Take your place and stand delivered from your captivity this day!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 52:2 – Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem:  loose thyself from the bands of they neck O captive daughter of Zion.

Sometimes we are waiting for God to do something to free us from the bondages in our lives.  Yet, we have to remind ourselves as anointed believers that we have His power in us to do it!  The Bible teaches us that we can loose ourselves from the dust!  What areas in your life feel like dust today?  Perhaps there is something you are bound to or struggling with in your life.  You have the anointing to take these bondages and remove them.  The key is knowing how to do it.  You can begin first by prayer—consistent prayer.  Talk to God about your struggles openly.  If you can’t be open with God and yourself you will stay bound.  Repent of sin and wrongdoing.  Then begin to speak to the area of captivity aloud in prayer.  Command your mind and entire being to be free from all oppression.  Then resist the devil, in word, action and attitude.  You do that, yes, with words, but more importantly through choices.  Choose to do the opposite of the past.  Then finally, you loose yourself from captivity by correcting any wrong you may have done to anyone.  You may need to ask their forgiveness for something.  If that is the case, do it right away.  We can, as the anointed of God, loose ourselves from bondage with the help of the Holy Spirit and by being willing to change it today!


Father, I want to be free today in the area of ________________________. I want every area of my life to please you and I want to stand free in everything.  I make a decision today to shake myself from the dust and be free.  I repent of all sin, wrong attitudes and actions.  I ask you to forgive me.  I speak to my mind and being and command my life to be delivered.  Thank you Lord that I am anointed to be loosed today! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Benefits of the Kingdom ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Season of Favor
“Yes, I have released My people into favor,” says the Lord.  “For I have favored them and now I will cause them to receive favor before many at this time.  So expect new doors to open and resources to be placed in your hands because My season of favor is upon you!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 102:13 - Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion:  for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.

We are in a prophetic season right now where we should expect the favor of God to be upon us.  It is going to open amazing doors for the church and cause many people who have hardened their hearts in the past to turn to the Lord.  In the Bible, when God placed His favor upon His people, it caused nations to tremble and prosperity was always attached to it.  We need to live everyday expecting favor!  Expect people to give things to you.  When God gives you favor with people it is so we can tell them about the Lord and further God’s Kingdom in the earth.  Begin to talk about favor everyday.  Rather than expect rejection all the time, begin to believe that people will accept you and receive you when you present the Gospel to them.  Begin to expect favor in business dealings during this season.  Expect finances to grow and increase.  See many coming to the Lord and filling our churches.  When we expect favor, we will step into what the Lord has ordained for this season of time.  If we expect nothing we may miss some of the greatest blessings the Lord has prophetically ordained.  Yes, this is your set time to stand in the favor of the Lord!


O Lord, I receive Your favor right now!  I expect it in my workplace, at home, and in every place I go.  I receive the increase of favor and commit myself to look for it everyday.  I believe new doors are going to open and I dedicate myself to use them for the benefit of Your kingdom.  I thank You for favor today! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rivers of glory

Daily prophetic word 
Rivers of Anointing over Nations
“See that I am about to shake My hand over the nations once again and I am stirring the rivers of glory,” says the Lord.  “For My power shall manifest again through My people, like days of old and evil shall be swallowed up before them as they make My ways known across the earth!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 11:15-16 – And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod.  And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

When the Lord came up from Egypt and delivered the children of Israel, it was a prophetic picture of the Lord always making a way for His people to reflect His glory.  God not only supernaturally delivered them from Pharaoh, but He fed them, and refreshed them with water in the desert so that many would see His power.  It is no different for us.  For every scheme the devil can throw our way, God has a stream of anointing to deal with it and as a result, many lives shall be changed by the power of God.  The powers of darkness are torn down in the streams of His glory resting over our lives.  God is not going to let the evil agenda of governments, special interest groups, false religions and terrorists to succeed over His people in this day.  He is always going to forge a highway for His people to manifest His anointing which will swallow up the accusations of darkness!  Get ready for the new streams of anointing which are about to manifest upon the church around the world.  We are about to be endowed with fresh power, so we can make His Name a mighty praise in the earth!


Father, I ask You for the fresh streams of anointing.  Let them manifest in my life.  I ask You for the nations, I ask You to manifest through me in a fresh way.  Send me to my neighbors, schools, workplace and city.  Use me to make Your Name known through supernatural means and let the rivers of glory be upon me as I go forward in Your power!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Rivers of glory

Daily prophetic word 
Rivers of Anointing over Nations
“See that I am about to shake My hand over the nations once again and I am stirring the rivers of glory,” says the Lord.  “For My power shall manifest again through My people, like days of old and evil shall be swallowed up before them as they make My ways known across the earth!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 11:15-16 – And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod.  And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

When the Lord came up from Egypt and delivered the children of Israel, it was a prophetic picture of the Lord always making a way for His people to reflect His glory.  God not only supernaturally delivered them from Pharaoh, but He fed them, and refreshed them with water in the desert so that many would see His power.  It is no different for us.  For every scheme the devil can throw our way, God has a stream of anointing to deal with it and as a result, many lives shall be changed by the power of God.  The powers of darkness are torn down in the streams of His glory resting over our lives.  God is not going to let the evil agenda of governments, special interest groups, false religions and terrorists to succeed over His people in this day.  He is always going to forge a highway for His people to manifest His anointing which will swallow up the accusations of darkness!  Get ready for the new streams of anointing which are about to manifest upon the church around the world.  We are about to be endowed with fresh power, so we can make His Name a mighty praise in the earth!


Father, I ask You for the fresh streams of anointing.  Let them manifest in my life.  I ask You for the nations, I ask You to manifest through me in a fresh way.  Send me to my neighbors, schools, workplace and city.  Use me to make Your Name known through supernatural means and let the rivers of glory be upon me as I go forward in Your power!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.