Daily prophetic word
Days in the Spirit
“Expect to have days where you will step into the spirit,” says the Lord. “For I have set times in prayer for you to experience the most incredible things with Me. Yes, there will be visions, dreams and revelations that will carry out much in the earth!”
Prophetic Scripture:
Revelation 1:10 – I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a voice, as of a trumpet.
Always keep in mind that God is a Spirit (John 4:23) and He works in the spirit realm. When the Apostle John was “in the spirit” in the Scripture above, he was in a place of prayer where his perception was more in the realm of the spirit than the earth around him. God wants us to have times like that too. God can be found in the physical realm, but we need times where we come to Him “in the spirit.” So how do we position ourselves to get there? First, it requires a sacrifice. I am sure John had many things he could have been thinking about the day he received the vision that wrote the Book of Revelation. He could have been complaining and asking God why he was exiled to the island of Patmos. No, instead he turned his focus away from the earth around him and connected with the Lord in the spirit. He stepped into a place with God where he supernaturally began to see into the spirit realm. He was more conscious of that than his physical location. If we make time with God, I believe we will have more of these incredible supernatural experiences with Him. When that happened for John he saw many visions and amazing things were revealed. Many others in the Bible experienced similar things, but it came because they gave their time to the Spirit. God is waiting and wants your “days in the spirit” to be a great blessing in the earth!
Father, I come to You in the spirit. I ask that You would teach me to enjoy days in the spirit as I give my time to You. I declare that I will begin to have supernatural experiences with You. I expect to see visions and have divine revelations from You Lord. Open my spiritual eyes and ears, Lord, and allow me to step into the spirit today. Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
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