Daily prophetic word
Rivers of Anointing over Nations
“See that I am about to shake My hand over the nations once again and I am stirring the rivers of glory,” says the Lord. “For My power shall manifest again through My people, like days of old and evil shall be swallowed up before them as they make My ways known across the earth!”
Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 11:15-16 – And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod. And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.
When the Lord came up from Egypt and delivered the children of Israel, it was a prophetic picture of the Lord always making a way for His people to reflect His glory. God not only supernaturally delivered them from Pharaoh, but He fed them, and refreshed them with water in the desert so that many would see His power. It is no different for us. For every scheme the devil can throw our way, God has a stream of anointing to deal with it and as a result, many lives shall be changed by the power of God. The powers of darkness are torn down in the streams of His glory resting over our lives. God is not going to let the evil agenda of governments, special interest groups, false religions and terrorists to succeed over His people in this day. He is always going to forge a highway for His people to manifest His anointing which will swallow up the accusations of darkness! Get ready for the new streams of anointing which are about to manifest upon the church around the world. We are about to be endowed with fresh power, so we can make His Name a mighty praise in the earth!
Father, I ask You for the fresh streams of anointing. Let them manifest in my life. I ask You for the nations, I ask You to manifest through me in a fresh way. Send me to my neighbors, schools, workplace and city. Use me to make Your Name known through supernatural means and let the rivers of glory be upon me as I go forward in Your power! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
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