Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Benefits of the Kingdom ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Season of Favor
“Yes, I have released My people into favor,” says the Lord.  “For I have favored them and now I will cause them to receive favor before many at this time.  So expect new doors to open and resources to be placed in your hands because My season of favor is upon you!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 102:13 - Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion:  for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.

We are in a prophetic season right now where we should expect the favor of God to be upon us.  It is going to open amazing doors for the church and cause many people who have hardened their hearts in the past to turn to the Lord.  In the Bible, when God placed His favor upon His people, it caused nations to tremble and prosperity was always attached to it.  We need to live everyday expecting favor!  Expect people to give things to you.  When God gives you favor with people it is so we can tell them about the Lord and further God’s Kingdom in the earth.  Begin to talk about favor everyday.  Rather than expect rejection all the time, begin to believe that people will accept you and receive you when you present the Gospel to them.  Begin to expect favor in business dealings during this season.  Expect finances to grow and increase.  See many coming to the Lord and filling our churches.  When we expect favor, we will step into what the Lord has ordained for this season of time.  If we expect nothing we may miss some of the greatest blessings the Lord has prophetically ordained.  Yes, this is your set time to stand in the favor of the Lord!


O Lord, I receive Your favor right now!  I expect it in my workplace, at home, and in every place I go.  I receive the increase of favor and commit myself to look for it everyday.  I believe new doors are going to open and I dedicate myself to use them for the benefit of Your kingdom.  I thank You for favor today! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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