Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kingdom Lifestyle ...

Let Your Kingdom Come!
"For My kingdom way is in you," says the Spirit.  For there is only one pattern of life, it is the way of My kingdom.  Let My kingdom lifestyle increase in you, then My anointing can continue to increase upon you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Luke 11:2 – When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be they name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

So what does it really mean when we pray the words, “Thy kingdom come?”  This is what Jesus taught us to pray.  As Christians, His kingdom is deposited inside of us, but we need to grow and let the expression of His kingdom to be seen outwardly in our lives and surroundings.  We should pray for it.  A kingdom expression is when you know that you serve a real King—Jesus, and there are patterns, lifestyles and methods that are required for living in His kingdom.  When we pray, “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done” we are asking for God’s ways to be the visible, dominating factor in our lives.  We are also acknowledging that we are submitted to His will and our lives are under His Lordship.  Many believers lack power because they haven’t truly submitted themselves to His kingdom!  I believe we must pray and ask for God’s kingdom lifestyle to be manifest through us in everything we do.  When kingdom living is our way of life we create an atmosphere that is ready and able to handle the more powerful anointings of the Holy Spirit.  Ask God to let His Kingdom be manifest through your life in every area today!


Lord, I submit myself afresh to Your Kingdom.  I turn my life fully over to Your Lordship.  Let my words, attitudes, actions, and habits all reflect submission to Your Kingdom.  I renounce every pattern of life outside of Your Kingdom expression and I align myself with a new way of living.  Reveal to me every area of my life that does not reflect a Kingdom expression and I will change it now!  Thank you Jesus for being the Lord over my life! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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