Thursday, July 14, 2011

Days in the spirit ...

“Expect to have days where you will step into the spirit,” says the Lord.  “For I have set times in prayer for you to experience the most incredible things with Me.  Yes, there will be visions, dreams and revelations that will carry out much in the earth!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Revelation 1:10 – I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a voice, as of a trumpet.

Always keep in mind that God is a Spirit (John 4:23) and He works in the spirit realm.  When the Apostle John was “in the spirit” in the Scripture above, he was in a place of prayer where his perception was more in the realm of the spirit than the earth around him.  God wants us to have times like that too.  God can be found in the physical realm, but we need times where we come to Him “in the spirit.”  So how do we position ourselves to get there?  First, it requires a sacrifice.  I am sure John had many things he could have been thinking about the day he received the vision that wrote the Book of Revelation.  He could have been complaining and asking God why he was exiled to the island of Patmos.  No, instead he turned his focus away from the earth around him and connected with the Lord in the spirit.  He stepped into a place with God where he supernaturally began to see into the spirit realm.  He was more conscious of that than his physical location.  If we make time with God, I believe we will have more of these incredible supernatural experiences with Him.  When that happened for John he saw many visions and amazing things were revealed.  Many others in the Bible experienced similar things, but it came because they gave their time to the Spirit.  God is waiting and wants your “days in the spirit” to be a great blessing in the earth!


Father, I come to You in the spirit.  I ask that You would teach me to enjoy days in the spirit as I give my time to You.  I declare that I will begin to have supernatural experiences with You.  I expect to see visions and have divine revelations from You Lord.  Open my spiritual eyes and ears, Lord, and allow me to step into the spirit today.  Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shake out the Darkness ...

"Yes, again I shall shake out the darkness and bring it into the light.  For I shall give My people the purity they have cried out for in their lives, homes, cities, churches and nations.  Remove all the dark things and run with me now," says the Lord, "and together let’s create a fresh stream of holiness in the earth!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Hebrews 12:26-27 – Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.  And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.  . .

It is always a good thing when God begins to shake things up.  I think of it similar to when you shake a little rug and all the dust comes flying out!  Afterwards, it looks so much better!  When God removes darkness from our lives, cities and nations, it is always with love and mercy even though a good shaking doesn’t always feel pleasing.  Yet it is better for God to do the shaking than for the devil to do it when he has gained access through uncontrolled darkness.  Remember that when God shakes the darkness from our lives, it is not with harm and shame.  He does it with His hand of mercy and care.  Realize when God shakes things, He begins with a word.  Respond to that shaking!  Get busy removing what He tells you to remove.  Sometimes there is more than one thing to shake out.  When we respond and work with God to first get the impurities out of our lives, we enable Him to build powerfully with all the good things that remain.  We become vessels of light that create a standard of holiness.  Then God can work together with us to remove the dust and impurities that exist in our schools, cities and nations so that His love and glory can fill the earth!


Father, I ask You to help me remove all impurities from my life.  Help me shake out the darkness.  I commit to walk in purity and ask that You will use me as a vessel of light to create a standard of holiness all over the world.  I thank You for it now. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, June 27, 2011

BOLD as a lion ...

Bold as Lion!
"See now that I grant the spirit of boldness unto you.  For even as it was with the early church, when they stood without fear, so shall you have boldness to stand and step out, for the Lord will do signs and wonders before you in your land!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Proverbs 28:1 – The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

Like the early church, God wants us to step out with boldness concerning the gospel of power, signs and wonders!  Even when they were persecuted in Acts 4:29-31, these already bold apostles and believers prayed for more boldness!  They wanted boldness to step out in miracles.  They wanted boldness to preach in the middle of the evils of the day.  Without the presence of the Lord’s boldness coming upon you it is easy to revert into intimidation, especially when the pressure is on and the enemy is trying to stand you down.  However, be assured that we can be bold as lions about what we believe.  We can be bold that Jesus is the healer and does miracles today.  We can be bold about righteousness, because the Lord will empower us to do it.  You begin by praying for boldness, yes, but then it requires a step.  It is like the old Nike saying, “Just do it!”  Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and walk out in the anointing boldly!  Quit telling yourself that you are shy or that it is not in your DNA to be a bold person.  Let the Lord help you step by step, but then run out into it and be bold for what you believe and know.  When you do, there will be miracles, signs and wonders that will follow you!  Be bold in the spirit today!


Father, I ask You today for an increased measure of boldness.  Teach me how to step out into bold signs, wonders, and miracles in every circumstance and every setting of resistance.  I ask that You would stretch forth Your hand of power and work through me and I take bold steps for You right now!  Thank You Lord and I receive it in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Plans of the heathen overturned ...

"Fear not the raging sound of the heathen and how they boast dark things," says the Lord.  "For I have said already that the efforts of the heathen shall fail and their kingdoms shall be overthrown.  See how they shall not overpower My chosen ones in this hour, but My people shall run in unusual victory!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Haggai 2:22 - And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.

We live in a time when we have to make a determined decision not to believe that the kingdom of the heathen will prosper.  I remember one time driving through an office park with an upscale neighborhood nearby and said to the Lord, "Lord, it bothers me that the heathen have all this, but your people and churches seem to have small, beat-up buildings, houses and few facilities."  Now, I do know that not everything is that way or as it seems, but I do believe God wants us to remember that all the kingdoms of the heathen will eventually fail.  The heathen may appear to prosper on the outside for a period of time, but without God's endorsement they live everyday on shaky ground.  When Egypt seemed like they had everything going for them and the children of Israel as their slaves had nothing, things were not as they seemed.  The chariots of Egypt were on shaky ground and about to be overturned!   Know that in today's world the chariots of the heathen are about to be overturned.  God will always cause those with a righteous cause to prosper and will create doors of opportunity for them to do so!  As the church, we have to stay united together for the cause of the Gospel.  This will cause our kingdom to stand strong, while the heathen fight with each other.  Eventually they will destroy themselves according to the verse above.  Know today, that God more than ever before is helping the cause of the righteous and defeating the strength of the heathen!


Lord, I ask You today to prosper the cause of the righteous and make us strong.  Unite Your people together in this hour in a new and fresh way Lord.  I declare that the works and kingdoms of darkness will not prosper against us and I thank You that the chariots of the wicked will be overturned!  Thank You for helping Your people in this present time!  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oil of gladness...

"Yes," says the Lord, "I have set a joyful course before you, so don’t be heavy in heart, for I have anointed you with the oil of gladness that you might find a glorious future, so choose now to remain in a place of rejoicing!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 45:7 – Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

God has destined us to live in gladness.  During periods of difficulty in our lives, gladness doesn’t always seem to come easily.  However, in the Scripture above, we find a prophetic verse about Jesus that shows us how to have gladness in every situation of our lives.  We find that God anointed Jesus with the oil of gladness.  Yes, there is a special anointing from the Spirit of God specifically for gladness.  We can see how this anointing operated over Jesus.  He chose to be crucified and according to the Bible, He was glad about it.  Now, certainly He wasn’t looking forward to what He suffered because He once prayed that if it were possible to avoid, He would rather not go through with it (Mt. 26:39).  Yet, something enabled Jesus to overcome those feelings.   Hebrews 12:2, says He saw a course of joy in front of Him that made Him look past all reservation.  It takes an anointing from the Lord to look past our present circumstances and be glad because beyond it we see a glorious future.  Jesus had something on His life that drew that kind of anointing to Him.  It was because He loved righteousness and hated wickedness.  When you choose obedience to God and refuse to walk in sin then the anointing for gladness will follow your life.  God wants you to be glad today, because when the oil of gladness is upon you, then you will see things like you have never seen them before!


Lord, I receive the anointing for gladness today.  I expect to have joy in my course.  Let a new anointing come over me right now so that I am empowered to look past the present and see my glorious future.  I choose the course of joy over heaviness today.  I bind every evil spirit of heaviness and sorrow and I step into the oil of gladness today!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stand on a sure place ...

“Be confident,” says the Lord, “that I will place you in the sure place.  For if you will obey My ways and follow Me today, you will stand on a strong foundation and I will not let you fall into any trap of evil this day!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 22:23 – And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house.

This verse above is a powerful prophetic Scripture about Jesus.  He was fastened to a cross so that through His blood we can stand on a stable foundation through Him.  Jesus’ steadfast Kingdom provides us stability.  The key to remaining there is to follow Him closely and obey Him from a pure heart.  Everyone wants to experience a stable life!  No one wants constant ups and downs in their employment, church, finances, and family or even in their very Christianity.  By living in obedience to God today, you will find stability.  Then staying close and accountable to other believers helps all of us to remain in that sure place!  By staying close to the Lord and the things of His kingdom, we place ourselves in position for spiritual and natural stability throughout life.  God is able to intervene in situations, change things, speak to us about our decisions, correct us and prepare us for His will.  God wants us to live strong and stable in Him.  Use your faith today for a life of stability in all that concerns you!  There you will find peace and confidence with Jesus, seated with Him in wonderful and heavenly places of success!


Lord, I thank You that Jesus was nailed to a cross so I could enjoy a steady and stable way of life!  I received what Jesus paid for and I ask You, Father, to help me hear Your voice and follow You closely today.  Speak to me about the things I need to change that are keeping me from a stable lifestyle and help me correct them.  Thank You, Lord, that I can expect to stand on a sure foundation in my life! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sent and anointed ...

“Receive the anointing to go and declare.  See yourself sent and anointed to go out and let My kingdom be seen and heard.  For My sending power is on you today!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Romans 10:14 – How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?

Jesus made a life-changing statement when He said that the harvest fields were ready to be harvested, but there were few laborers committed to the task.  It is easy to get our eyes off the task of reaching souls for Jesus.  To reach souls does not mean we have to pack stadiums and give altar calls.  We are in contact with people everyday that we can reach.  Some are people we know and some we do not know.  In either case, we should be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who may want us to minister in an unexpected way today.  Maybe it is at work or just someone in line at the grocery store.  Sometimes you may be able to share the whole gospel and other times just extend the kindness and love of Jesus.  God wants us to show His love and power to the world today.  They are desperate and we are sent to help them.


Father, I want to fulfill Your call in ministering to the lost.  I make a fresh commitment today to reach out to those who need a touch from You.  Here am I Lord, send me!  Open my eyes today to those you want me to minister to in a special way.  Make me a tool for Your kingdom so that people will be turned to You.  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sounds of transformation ...

"Begin to watch carefully what I am doing globally now.  For there is a transformation taking place in My people.  There will be new signs, and new sounds, fresh revelation and vision.  I am forming My glorious church that will do good things in this time," says the Lord.

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 43:21 - This people have I formed for myself, they shall showforth my praise.
Keep in mind that God is always working to change you for the better and is doing the same in the entire Body of Christ.  God will have for Himself a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, who will do His work and live for Him in a most wonderful way.  God is determined to make your name a praise! You may feel in your life today that you are not progressing or growing spiritually like you should.  Maybe it seems to you like the church itself is failing more than it is succeeding.  That is not the case, God is forming you for Himself and He is transforming the entire Body of Christ into something that will cause His Name to receive praise in this hour.  You may not see the details of growth, because healthy growth is often hard to notice on a daily basis.  So even when you may not realize it, God is growing you and growing His chruch.  However, unlike we often do, God does not throw His hands in the air and say, "O this isn't going to get anywhere, I give up!"  No, the Bible says He finishes what He begins.  Philippians 1:6 says, Be confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform until the day of Jesus Christ.  In other words, God will not give up transforming you and the entire church until the day of Jesus' return!  He will get what He is after and that is a people who will truly show forth His praise!


Father, I pray for Your people today.  I ask that we will walk in harmony with You as You transform us all into a people who will give praise to Your Name.  Change me Lord in every area of my life, and I thank You that I will become the person You have destined me to be.  Transform me Lord into a testimony each and everyday and I choose to be obedient to Your guidance as Your good work is performed in me.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Clear mind and memory ...

"For I am the One who enables your mind," says the Lord.  "Yes, you shall be able to recall things afresh and your mind shall be clear this day.  For My mind is in you now and I have said your memory is sharp and clear," says the Lord your God!

Prophetic Scripture:
John 14:26 – But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Sometimes we make jokes about our minds.  We laughingly say things like, “I’m going crazy”, “I can’t remember things like I used to”, or “it’s just a sign of old age”.  However, we should change that attitude and believe what Jesus said.  He said that when His Spirit comes into our lives, He will help us remember things, particularly the teachings and words of Jesus.  The Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 2:16, that we have the mind of Christ.  We need to believe that the Lord will bless our minds everyday.  Expect to have a clear memory, rather than speak negative things about your mind.  Your mind is blessed today.  You are smart because of the Spirit of the Lord in you.  If you feel like you are having mental, emotional or memory troubles, then stand upon what the Bible says about your mind.  It doesn’t matter how young or old you are!  Then practice thinking on what is right from the Bible instead of all the mayhem life tries to throw at you.  Command your mind to come in line with the peace of God and begin to think on Him.  Tell yourself to sleep peacefully and rest in the Lord.  Know that you are blessed in your mind today and God has enabled you to remember all that is important!


Father, I thank You that I have the mind of Christ.  I rest in that anointing and expect to remember things, to be at peace and think clearly.  I take what belongs to me concerning mental peace and stability.  I command my thoughts and memory right now to come in line with the Word of God.  Mind, you be at peace now! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Arrows of the Lord ...

"Don’t be fearful of the enemy that walks about," says the Lord.  "For know that I have already sent out my arrows to interrupt what the prince of darkness would plan against you in secret.  Know today, that his works are scattered and divided before you right now!"

Prophetic Scripture:
2 Samuel 22:15 – And he sent out arrows, and scattered them; lightning, and discomfited them.

God does not want you to live with “what if” in mind.  Thoughts of something terrible that might happen is a scheme of the devil.  Satan will tell you, “what if you get ill?”, “what if you are injured or killed?”, “what if your finances fail?”, or “what if something happens to your loved one?”  etc.  The devil is a liar because the Mighty God of power has already interrupted him.  If satan could have taken you out so easily, he would have already done so!  He cannot do it because something has restrained him; it is called the arrows of the Lord’s anointing!  They have flown right into the middle of the enemy’s war camp and burnt his mapped out plan to a crisp, even when you didn’t know about it!  Believe today that the schemes of darkness are being confused all around you.  Refrain from giving time to negative thoughts of fear.  Speak to them, sing and rejoice because God has already defended you!  Don’t think on what could happen, but rather in what God has already stopped and interrupted for you.  God is working for you in the spirit and no plot of darkness will prosper against you today!


I stand up today in the power of the Lord of Hosts!  You Lord are the God of might and deliverance.  Your arrows have gone out and scattered every enemy that would try to harm me.  I rejoice today in the power of the good God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus the Captain of the Hosts.  He is fighting for me today!  Thank You Father!  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jesus Everywhere ...

“A time is upon you when My Name will be preached in multiplied effort,” says the Lord.  “My people across the globe are being positioned to impact the world through new innovative means and the heathen will say a new thing.  For you will hear them say in this season, Jesus is everywhere.”

Prophetic Scripture:
Galatians 1:16 – To reveal his son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen;…

We are in a time, when we need to seize the moment, as they say.  There is just something in the “air” that is about to set the world ablaze with the anointing.  Do you sense it?  Paul quoted the above verse in Galatians about his own call to ministry, but the truth is that we all have the golden opportunity to impact the world with the power of God.  The trap we can easily fall into is that of just assuming someone else will take up the effort.  If you are like me, you run through the day just trying to cross all your tasks off your list!  Easily we can forget the most important one and that is to preach Christ—whether it is verbal, through miracles or other manifestations of the Holy Spirit.  Just as the world is always improving technology, we should expect that God will give us witty ideas to spread the gospel if we will become available.  We want people everywhere to hear the cross, see miracles and the power of God.  I believe the Holy Spirit wants to give us a fresh blueprint on how to accomplish this work.  Ask God to give you new ideas and plans and pray for the Body of Christ to arise to the occasion.  Begin today to prophesy to your areas of influence and declare that people around you will be so touched that they can’t help but say Jesus is everywhere!


Lord, I make myself available to preach Christ among the heathen through the power of God.  I ask You to reveal to me the plans for me to do it—fresh ideas and a download of anointing comes upon me now!  I say that every life I touch will begin to say that You are everywhere!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sharp Discernment ...

"For I tell you that greater discernment is upon you," says the Lord.  "For I have enabled you to step into it so that you will not have a dull edge about anything.  Sharpen your discernment," says the Spirit, "and you will easily separate the light from the dark in this hour."

Prophetic Scripture:
Hebrews 5:13-14 – For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word or righteousness:  for he is a babe.  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

When it comes to right and wrong in our modern day, the dividing line can get pretty cloudy.  Everyone has an opinion about choices.  Opinions in the church about what we should and should not do vary greatly, making the rules feel very confusing.  Some people wouldn’t recognize the devil if he walked up in a shiny red suit and tapped them on the shoulder!  God wants us to have a keen spiritual “nose”.  This way we can easily sniff out evil and smell the aroma of God at the same time.  The best way to sharpen our ability to discern is by becoming skillful with the word of righteousness.  It will keep you accurate in the spirit, not spooky, suspicious nor pompous and religious either.  Exercising your spiritual discernment comes only by chewing regularly on the revelation from the Bible—the Word of God and coupling that with prayer.  Without that diet, you will eventually suffer spiritual malnutrition and begin to “eat” anything that passes by.  When a person is seriously hungry, they can do some crazy things!  That is where many Christians live, on all sorts of spiritual tangents and compromises.  This happens when our discernment gets dull.  Sharpen your discernment by adding the meat of God’s Word to your daily appetite.  Very little will get past you and you will find yourself succeeding in spiritual things. 


Lord, I thank you today, for helping me to sharpen my discernment.  Help me clearly recognize the difference between good and evil.  Show me now, by your Spirit, areas that I have compromised and need to adjust.  I commit to a fresh appetite and diet of Your Word now.  I believe that I shall begin to see sharply in the spirit and know accurately that which is of You.  I worship You Lord for that today. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kingdom Lifestyle ...

Let Your Kingdom Come!
"For My kingdom way is in you," says the Spirit.  For there is only one pattern of life, it is the way of My kingdom.  Let My kingdom lifestyle increase in you, then My anointing can continue to increase upon you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Luke 11:2 – When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be they name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

So what does it really mean when we pray the words, “Thy kingdom come?”  This is what Jesus taught us to pray.  As Christians, His kingdom is deposited inside of us, but we need to grow and let the expression of His kingdom to be seen outwardly in our lives and surroundings.  We should pray for it.  A kingdom expression is when you know that you serve a real King—Jesus, and there are patterns, lifestyles and methods that are required for living in His kingdom.  When we pray, “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done” we are asking for God’s ways to be the visible, dominating factor in our lives.  We are also acknowledging that we are submitted to His will and our lives are under His Lordship.  Many believers lack power because they haven’t truly submitted themselves to His kingdom!  I believe we must pray and ask for God’s kingdom lifestyle to be manifest through us in everything we do.  When kingdom living is our way of life we create an atmosphere that is ready and able to handle the more powerful anointings of the Holy Spirit.  Ask God to let His Kingdom be manifest through your life in every area today!


Lord, I submit myself afresh to Your Kingdom.  I turn my life fully over to Your Lordship.  Let my words, attitudes, actions, and habits all reflect submission to Your Kingdom.  I renounce every pattern of life outside of Your Kingdom expression and I align myself with a new way of living.  Reveal to me every area of my life that does not reflect a Kingdom expression and I will change it now!  Thank you Jesus for being the Lord over my life! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Expect to receive ...

Your Gate is Open!
"Command your gates of blessing to be open today," says Lord.  "For My deliverance shall be your walls of protection and you shall be received in favor when you enter in."

Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 26: 1-2 – In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah;  We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks.  Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.

Many times when we pray prophetically, we speak to gates and command them to open in the spirit.  Today, see those gates a little differently.  See every spiritual gate that you must enter open before you.  However, don’t just see any gate open, see your gates open.  Why will it happen for you?  Because you keep the truth and that will make the way open before you.  Whatever God has mandated you for, command a clear path so that you can enter your territory unhindered.  Paul said in 2 Corinthians 7:2 – “Receive us, we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.”  When you walk in God’s integrity, you can use your faith to prophetically declare that you are well received and your gates of utterance are open everywhere you go.  God will fight for you, so command your gates to open, in Jesus’ Name!


Father, I declare today that my gates of utterance are open!  You have appointed your delivering power to be a wall of protection on my right hand and left.  I boldly enter my gates today and expect to be received and favored everywhere I go!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Unrelenting love

We simply must have more of Jesus. In the face of increasing wickedness in the world, human ideas have fallen short. Those who understand the hour are seeking God. Possessing more of Christ Himself is our only strategy and hope.
Yet, to seek God is to embark on a journey that will include obstacles and spiritual enemies along the way. We must not give ourselves reasons or excuses to fail.
As a pattern, therefore, we will look at the Song of Solomon 3:1-4. Here we find a bride and bridegroom who both are intolerant of the distance between them. The Bride in the passage symbolizes the Church in her deepest longings for Jesus; the Bridegroom represents the Lord.
The bride: "On my bed night after night I sought him whom my soul loves."
On the highest level, seeking God is an action born of love. It is not a matter only of discipline, it is first an awakening of desire. It is not a question of sacrifice but of the passions stirred by unrelenting love. The bride's ability to sleep is gone because her beloved is gone. She must seek him, for such is the nature of love.
Some will say, "But I already know the Lord. I have found Him." In reality, it was He who found us. Our salvation rests securely upon this truth. But while many rest upon Christ having found them, they have little interest in possessing a greater relationship with Him, nor do they realize His desire for us. The Bride loves because Christ first loved her (1 John 4:19). She arises now to find Him. In the very love that He inspired, she pursues her beloved.
The apostle Paul wrote, "As many as are perfect, have this attitude" (Philippians 3:15). To seek and know Christ is the attitude of the mature; it is the singular obsession of Christ's Bride.
In this maturing process, there will come a point when your love for God will take ascendancy over mere intellectual or doctrinal understanding. The Bride of Christ cannot contain her longing or patronize her aching heart; she cannot simply adjust to feeling empty. There is simply no reconciling the passion of her soul with the absence of her Beloved.
Note also that there is an unfolding dimension to seeking the Lord. Genuine love for God is an ever-increasing hunger. As one would die without food, so we feel we will die without Him. The bride says, "Night after night I sought him." She has come to love the Lord with all her heart, with all her soul and with all her mind (Matthew 22:37). Her love has become all-consuming; to accept His absence is impossible.
Overcoming Resistance
Note: the Lord will allow obstacles and delays to deepen and test the character of our love. Thus, the bride acknowledges, "I sought him whom my soul loves. I sought him but did not and him."
Her first attempts at seeking her beloved proved fruitless, yet she does not terminate her quest. Augustine said it well: "God is not on the surface." There is indeed a "secret place of the Most High." Although hidden, it can be found and accessed.
One common deterrent, ironically, is the benevolent effect that comes with drawing nearer to the Lord. Inevitably, the blessings of an answered prayer or a new understanding of Scripture will greet us on our way to God, but we must guard against these signposts becoming our final destination. We must not be content with edification or comfort, only encouraged.
Let us also understand, we will not find His fullness by seeking Him merely in convenient times and comfortable places. Rather, our quest is a determined and continual pilgrimage. It will not end until He is disclosed to us (Philippians 3:12). We are confident, though, for He has promised that in the day we seek Him with our whole heart, we shall find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). He assures us, "And I will be found by you" (verse 14).
Christ Our Life
The bride continues, "I must arise now and go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I must seek him whom my soul loves."
This inexorable woman has risen from the security of her own bed. She has left the comfort of her warm house and now is seeking her beloved in the streets and in the squares. Pastors, be aware: Not all who wander from church to church are uncommitted or superficial Christians. A significant number are honestly searching for Christ. They are asking, "Have you seen Him?"
Not only is the bride in the streets and squares of Christianity; she is facing the force and the power of darkness as well. Yet nothing stops her – not her own need of sleep or her fear of the night. The love of Christ compels her.
However, again she is disappointed: "I sought him but did not find him."
We might think that after so great an effort – and in the face of the seeming reluctance of Heaven to answer her cry – she would feel justified to return home. But she does not. We too must guard against becoming satisfied with our opinion of ourselves: "We prayed; we waited; we searched for God. We did more than other men." This false reward fills the soul with self-exaltation. If we truly want to find Him, we must stay empty and hungry for God alone.
"The watchmen who make the rounds in the city found me, and I said, 'Have you seen him whom my soul loves?'"
From her bed, to the streets, and now to the watchmen, the bride is seeking her lover. Notice that "the watchmen" found her. The watchmen are the modern-day prophetic ministries. Their highest calling is to find the searching Bride and direct her to Jesus. While many may come to the seers for a word of encouragement or revelation, the Bride is looking for Jesus. Her singleness of purpose is undistracted; she asks the watchmen, "Have you seen Him?"
"Scarcely had I left them when I found him whom my soul loves." This is the greatest motivation for seeking the Lord: The time will come when you find Him! You will pass your tests and overcome the obstacles; you will be secure in the embrace of Christ.
She says, "I held on to him and would not let him go."
I am reminded of Mary at the empty tomb of Christ (John 20:11-18). The apostles came, looked in the cave, and went away astounded. But Mary lingered, weeping. The death of Christ was horrible, but the empty tomb was unbearable. She had to find Him whom her soul loved!
The Scripture says that Jesus Himself came to her, but in her sorrow she did not recognize Him. He said, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" It is interesting that Jesus connected Mary's inconsolable weeping with her seeking. Blinded by her tears, she supposed He was the gardener.
"Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away" (verse 15).
"Jesus said to her, 'Mary!' She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, 'Rabboni!' (which means, Teacher)" (verse 16).
Immediately Mary burst from her kneeling position to embrace Christ; she held Him so tightly that, like the bride, she too could say, "I held on to him and would not let him go." I see Jesus smiling, and with great love He gently pushed her back, saying, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father" (verse 17).
This is a most astounding event. It is a marvel, I admit, that is beyond comprehension. In the mysterious process of the Lord's resurrection – during an interlude between the grave and some stage of His ascension – Christ interrupted His triumphant ascent to appear to Mary. Jesus was drawn – no, compelled – toward Mary's weeping!
I am staggered by this event. Jesus demonstrated that love is the highest, most powerful law of His Kingdom. It brings His living presence into the hearts of those who seek Him.
You Have Made His Heart Beat Faster
One last thought, and it is a profound reality: Where was the Bridegroom during the time when the Bride was searching? Was He aloof, indifferent, sitting detached in Heaven? No, from the beginning, He had been watching, actually longing, for His Bride to find Him.
He now speaks:
"You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride; you have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes." Song of Solomon 4:9

You are His Bride. He is returning from Heaven for you! The single glance of your eyes toward Him makes His heart beat faster. Such love is inconceivable. He sees your repentance from sin as your preparation for Him – His Bride making herself ready. He beholds you kneeling, weeping at your bedside. He shares your painful longing. He has been watching. And the bridegroom says, "The glance of your eyes has made my heart beat faster."
The Lord has a promise for His Bride. There is coming a fresh baptism of love that will surpass all our knowledge of Him. We will know the height and depth, the length and the breadth of His love. While yet here on earth, we will be filled with His fullness. (See Ephesians 3:18-19 Amplified.)
We have many tasks, even responsibilities, which have come from Heaven. However, the greatest need of our soul is to be with Jesus. The areas of sin in our lives exist simply because we have lived too far from Him. Let us commit our hearts to seeking our God. Let us find Him whom our soul loves and bring Him back to the house of the Lord!
Lord, even now we lift our eyes toward You. Jesus, grace and truth are realized in You. Grant us grace that the truth of this message will change our lives and compel us in unrelenting love to You! In Jesus' name. Amen.

The preceding message is adapted from a chapter in Francis' book, And I Will Be Found By You.

Francis Frangipane 
Ministries of Francis Frangipane 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

You can overcome anything ...

Daily prophetic word 
Fear of Failure Broken!
"For you have not been created for failure," says the Lord.  "Even this day, the fear of failure would try to tell you a lie and that you will never succeed.  Rise up now and break the fear and that voice of failure in your life!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Joshua 1:8 - This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:  for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The fear of failure is one of the greatest obstacles that people have to overcome.  Most often we fear failure because of a previous negative experience, when something didn't work out the way we planned.  Maybe it was a prayer that we prayed and we didn't receive the answer we wanted.  Perhaps, it was a project or business endeavor that didn't produce the desired results.  Whatever your circumstance happens to be, these things can plant a failure mentality or fear of failure in our minds.  Then as you step out in faith again, your mind will try to tell you, "remember what happened the last time?"  If we are not careful, then we find ourselves less willing to take steps toward the success God really intends for our lives.  However, the verse above, tells us the our road to good success is found by meditating on the Word of God.  Why is that true?  Because, if you keep looking at all those previous experiences, you will lack confidence in your ability to succeed in life.  But if you look everyday at all the promises and encouragement found in the Bible, you will go through the day feeling like you can overcome anything!  In addition to that, a lifestyle of daily focus on God's Word will also help you stay obedient to the Lord, and that in itself will keep you clear of failure!  We don't have to fear any type of failure when we keep our eyes on the Lord and His Word.  In fact, we have the power to speak to those thoughts and demons of failure and tell them to leave us in Jesus' Name.  Rise up and break the fear of failure trying to enter your life today! 


Dear Heavenly Father, I know that You have created me to be successful.  I set my attention upon Your words today and ask that You will help me see the plan of success You have for my life.  I command all fear of failure to leave my life and declare that I shall be successful in the Lord!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time to move on ...

Daily prophetic word 
Let it Go!
"Know that this is not the time to hold any offense in your heart toward another," says the Lord.  "Drop all feelings of resentment and anger in this season, even let them go from your thoughts.  For many answers to prayer are just waiting to be released out of the heavens for those of a forgiving heart."

Prophetic Scripture:
Mark 11:24-25 - Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.  And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

It is easy to overlook the fact that answered prayer and forgiveness go hand-in-hand.  Yet, no matter how we slice the pie, this is a biblical truth.  In Matthew 18, the story of the servant who asked his master to forgive him was shown a great amount of mercy and spared from prison.  However, that same servant went and found someone indebted to him and refused to show forgiveness like he had received.  As a result, the servant lost his answer to prayer.  His requests to his master were taken away from him once his master found out what he had done.  Prayer is the same way.  The things we pray for and ask God for in the expectation of His mercy toward us, are dependant on whether or not we are willing to show the same kindness and grant the requests of others with mercy.  The reason the Lord so despises an unforgiving heart is because everything we receive from Him has come through His forgiveness for us.  Every time He has supplied a new job, healed a loved one or answered our prayers, it is because we are forgiven and handed His mercy each time.  Therefore, that is how the Lord expects us to deal with others.  We have to look past their faults and let go of our offenses.  Besides all of that, offense brewing in your heart toward someone else will only tear you apart.  It will eat away at you and take away your joy.  You might ask, "Yes, but what about the joy they stole from me!"  Well, I say don't let them steal it further through an unforgiving heart!  Let it go and move on.  That is the road back to joy and when you do that the heavens are positioned to open over you and your most needed prayers will be answered!


Dear Heavenly Father, I choose today to forgive every person who has done wrong toward me.  I forgive _______________________________.  I will no longer hold anything against them.  I ask You to bless them Lord.  Forgive me of those offenses  in my heart and I will not allow them in my mind anymore.  I thank You now that the heavens of blessing are open over my life and my prayers are being answered now!  In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Step out in faith ...

Daily prophetic word 
Demonstrations Are Here!
"I am waiting for you to not just talk about My power, but to demonstrate it," says the Spirit.  "Yes, step out in miracles, believe for signs and wonders in your life and in the lives of those you meet, and watch the display of My power.  For the demonstrations of God are here!"
Prophetic Scripture:
1 Corinthians 2:4 - And my speech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of men's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

Did you know that God wants to manifest His power for your situation?  He is just waiting for you to expect it and act like you believe that.  Often we talk about the power of God and how it was displayed so powerfully in the life of those in the Bible, historical figures, and in books.  But God didn't stop these demonstrations with the early church era, or even a few decades ago.  He manifests supernatural demonstrations because we are willing to step out on the edge and do something that causes Him to move.  I once heard someone say, "There is something about God that causes Him to pass by countless people to show Himself for that one who displays bold, unrelenting faith!"  Well, the Bible says in Hebrews 11:6, that we cannot even please Him unless we have faith.  True faith is expecting what you already know to be true, even when it isn't seen with the natural eyes.  God is real and manifests real miracles for those who will just step out on the water.  Go ahead and pray for that person to be healed.  Sow an offering and expect a breakthrough in your finances.  Do something that reveals your confidence in God to act on your behalf.  You don't have to wait and wonder if miracles will come.  The demonstrations of God are already here!  Just step out and watch the Lord display His power.  The more you do, the more you will see demonstrations of God in your life!


Father, I stir my bold faith today for the demonstrations of the Holy Spirit to operate in my life.  I believe for healing, revelation, deliverance, financial breakthrough, dreams, visions, and many wonders of Your power.  Teach me how to demonstrate that anointing and expect it to operate daily in my life.  Thank you Lord for Your anointing that rests upon me to work wonders.  I believe Your demonstrations of the Spirit are upon me today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Greatness awaits...

Daily prophetic word 
Greatness is Increased
"Yes, it is in My will for you to step into greatness," says the Spirit.  "Know that I have opened that place of honor for you and the time to move toward it is now, even right now.  Go, for your increase of greatness has begun!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 71:21 – Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.
God has specially designed a place for each of His children to stand in a place of honor and greatness.  Yes, greatness and honor are earned, however God will also anoint and cause it to rest upon your life.  God is the author of honor and He will see to it that you will receive due honor for your purity, lifestyle and commitment to His will.  It may take some time and hard work for you to step onto the platform of honor, but the key is to stay focused on what God has called you to do.  By staying with your calling and staying pointed on your road of destiny, greatness will find you.  The wonderful part is that God will comfort you along the road of hard work as you diligently move toward what He has for you.  Similar to a runner in a race, it takes diligence, practice, hard work, and endurance when no one is noticing you.  Then the honor and greatness of winning the race is only a moment compared to the private work and lifestyle it took to get there.  However, the greatness that God gives for your press of obedience will be the greatest reward you can receive.  Begin to press toward the greatness God has prepared for you and know that once you do, greatness will begin to open for you!  Move toward your season of greatness today!


Father, I receive Your place of destined honor for me.  I ask You Lord to help me as I press on the road toward Your will and destiny for my life.  Help me to walk in obedience and humility as I serve You.  Anoint me for greatness today and I thank You Lord that I shall be a great testimony unto Your mighty Name! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My season of double fruitfulness...

Daily prophetic word 
Forget the Pain
"It is time to forget your season of toil and embrace your season of fruitfulness," says the Lord.  "For even as Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh, it was his declaration that he had forgotten his years of hardship and so must you declare that your years of struggle and toil are behind you now!" 

Prophetic Scripture:
Genesis 41:51-52 - And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh:  For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house.  And the name of the second called he Ephraim:  for God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.

No matter what you have been through in life, God always has a plan to move you forward to a new chapter; a new beginning.  Whether the hardships of life came from your distant past or they just occurred yesterday, God is standing before you today, ready for you to put it behind you!  Let today be seen as a new season of fruitfulness in the spirit.  That is the best medicine for your healing from all hurts.  Notice in the verses above, when Joseph called his firstborn son Manasseh, he not only said that God had made him forget all his hardship and toil, but also all his father's house.  Why ALL his father's house?  That is because to him, the years he spent growing up held a lot of bad memories and hurts.  Maybe your upbringing was filled with similar memories and experiences.  Well, it's time to move from that place and open a new chapter in life.  It is your Ephraim chapter, your season of double fruitfulness! (Gen. 41:52) Even the negative of experience from this week will lose its ability to keep you down when you forget your hurts and struggles.  Put them out of your mind today, and dwell instead on the blessings of tomorrow and wonderful fruit God is producing in your life!


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that today I give "spiritual birth" to Manasseh, by chosing to forget the hurts of yesterday.  I place my eyes on today and tommorrow.  I declare this is my season of  Ephraim.  I call this my season of double fruitfulness in the spirit!  I am blessed, I am healed and set free!  Thank You Jesus!  Amen!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Supernatural resources

Daily prophetic word 
Favor in Business
"Watch this day, for I will favor you in the sight of the world," says the Lord, "and I will place a spirit of increase over you and many people shall suddenly pour resources into your hands.  So that in all your business dealings, you will know that I have placed multiplied provisions over you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Exodus 11:3 - And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians.  Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people.

Whenever God asks you to do something, He always provides the needed resources for you to accomplish the task at hand.  When God asked Moses to lead the people out of Egypt, He provided the needed resources for them to do so.  He didn't send them empty, but sent them fully supplied.  However, the unique part was the way in which the Lord supplied for them.  Notice he first caused them to receive favor from the Egyptians.  Think about the magnitude of what that entailed!  Here Moses has been threatening their leader Pharaoh for days, plagues were everywhere and the people were preparing to escape the country and they still found favor in the sight of the citizens of Egypt!  Talk about amazing!   In other words, God granted them favor when favor didn't seem possible.  Do you know that God wants to give you favor in your dealings too?  Even when it may seem like the economy is down or there are no openings for you to find a job.  God gives supernatural favor when favor seems hard to find!  Now that does not mean we have license to be rude or do things that will cause us to lose favor.  What it means is, that as we are obeying God and doing what is right, God will cause poeple to favor us, even when they didn't intend to do so.  Prosperity and increase begins with favor.  People give you things when it wasn't something they were planning or would even normally do!  Whatever business, talent, ministry or call you have been anointed for, your season of increase will come on the wings of God's favor.  Then you will be filled with more than you ever dreamed!


Dear Heavenly Father, I activate my faith for unprecidented favor in all my business dealings today.  I declare new doors of opportunity and blessing will open unto me.  Rescources shall come into my hands in the most supernatural ways.  I expect favor to follow me everywhere I go today and I thank You Lord for anointing me for favor now.  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

His Glory...

Daily prophetic word 
Glory is Filling the House!
"Look now," says the Lord, "for the days when the weight of My glory shall fill your gatherings are being brought once again.  For in many places shall the cloud of My presence rest heavily among you to do signs and wonders, even in the houses of prayer once again!"

Prophetic Scripture:
2 Chronicles 5:13-14 - …then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.

So many Christians talk about wanting to experience the glory of God in their life.  God wants us to experience His manifested glory.  Ephesians 1:18, says we might know or experience the riches of His glory.  In the Bible, we always find this weighty glory from the Lord resting in places where the people were dedicated in worship and in prayer.  The context of the verse above was that the people were doing three main things when the glory of the Lord filled the place where they were gathered.  First, they were praying.  Prayer is paramount to experience true glory, both privately and corporately.  Secondly, they were giving God strong and unrestrained worship with their voices and instruments.  Then thirdly, they were making great sacrifices.  It wasn’t just one or two things being placed on the altar.  No, the number of sacrifices in this case was astounding!  We can make a place for God’s manifested glory to rest upon us by doing these same things.  Then we can be sure wherever His glory falls there will be blessings, signs, wonders, healing and miracles.  It will mean there will be times when we have to set aside our plans and spiritual agenda and let the Holy Spirit take over.  That is what the glory will do.  All we have to do is make room for it and then expect the glory of the Lord to fill the house!


Father, I thank You for Your glory.  Cause me to know and experience Your glory in my life.  I commit myself to prayer and sacrifice so that Your glory can rest on my house.  Help me enter into places of glory and I ask that You teach me how to handle the weightier things of Your Spirit with maturity.  Lord, let me walk in the glory You have for me today!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Take a stand ...

Daily prophetic word 
New Zeal in the Church
"Look to the days ahead," says the Lord, "as I place a new zeal for righteousness upon My people and there shall be a new and clear dividing line between those who shall walk in the spirit and those who defend the world.  For this is the time when those who stand for My ways, shall stand out and I will place My fire and anointing upon them."

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 119:139 - My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.

We are in a prophetic season where God is stirring the spirit of many of His people to take a greater stand for righteousness.  While some are content to go with the flow of the world and accept many of its mindsets, there is a remnant that is about to shine forth like never before.  In fact, the more the world displays the works of unrighteousness, the more God's remnant will take a stand in this hour.  Isaiah 37:31-32 says that the remnant of the Lord will dig its roots deep in the land and bear fruit as a result.  All of this will happen because a spirit of zeal is stirred in the Lord as well as in His people.  God's zeal is being stirred up right now and so is the zeal of His people. So whenever darkness and compromise are evident, zeal will only increase.  I believe the church is in a time when the evil all around us will only act like a spiritual "fertilizer."  In other words, when evil is raging, we will refuse to blend in or become discouraged, we will only get more determined for God!   This action among the people of God will automatically draw a line between the righteous and the unrighteous.  Never think we are just in a time when things are becoming more gray.  No, they will be black and white, because God's people will define which side they are on. 


Dear Lord, I ask that You will stir up the spirit of zeal within me.  I pray that You will grant me boldness to stand up for what is right in this hour.  I pray this for all Your people.  Stir up our zeal Lord that we will take a greater stand for You.  Let us bear much fruit for righteousness in the land in this hour!  Thank You Jesus!  Amen.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Follow in faith ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Dayspring from on High!
"My visitation is here and near you now," says the Lord.  "I am the light in your darkest tunnel.  For NOW, I am the day that springs forth from on high and you shall see the path out of every trial.  For mercy has come for you."

Prophetic Scripture:
Luke 1:78 -79 - Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

That's right!  The Lord is the day that springs up from the darkness!  No matter what you are dealing with or trying to sort through today, God is always the light that leads you out of it all.  The reason we often have trouble following Him out is because we are too busy examining the darkness instead of looking at the light.  We go over our trials, work problems, financial problems, health issues and family troubles again and again trying to figure a way out of the problem.   We need to refix our eyes on the Lord.  He is the light.  He is the dayspring.  But do you know what the best part of that is?  He is more than willing to shine the light to help you.  Not only is He the light, but He is merciful to give it to us.  You may not feel like the light guiding you is very bright today, but you can get out of a tunnel with just a flash light!  It doesn't take much to guide you to safety.  Look for the light of God guiding you every day, every moment and in everything.  Mercy is leading you out today! 


Dear Lord, I thank You for your mercy that is shining light upon me today!  I receive that light.  Help me to see Your guiding hand in every situation or trial.  I make a choice to take my eyes off the darkness right now.  I command my mind to be still and begin to focus on the light of the Holy Spirit!    Lord I am willing to follow Your light wherever  You may lead me and ask that You give me to confidence to follow You in faith!  I stand in the light of Your mercy today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God's saving power...

Daily prophetic word 
Prayer for the Nations
"For it is time again," says the Lord, "to increase prayer over the nations.  Even as prayer without ceasing interrupted Herod from killing Peter in the days of the early church, so shall many plans against many nations working now through demonic activity be interrupted by your prayers!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 67:1-2 - God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon the earth, thy saving health among all nations.

As Chistians, we are the ones who have the glory of God shining upon us.  We have experienced His wonderful mercy in a real way.  The Lord wants us to take what we have received from Him and use it to be a blessing in some way.  The first key way we do that is, of course, through prayer.  Prayer can go places that we often cannot go, like nothing else can.  Why else do you think, the Apostle Paul coveted the prayers of the Christians as he traveled the nations?  Because he knew that prayer would prepare the ground to receive his preaching!  It was committed prayer that rescued the Apostle Peter from being beheaded in Acts 12.  Right now, we need to cover the nations in prayer like never before.  There has almost been a lull concerning global prayer, yet there is so much unrest brewing around the world.  We seriously need to water the ground in prayer, ask for God's protection over nations, declare that angels would be be sent to deliver the righteous and that the gospel would find an open door.  The nations desperately need our prayers right now.  Without question, the committed prayers of the saints could abort certain tragedies and evil uprisings.  We all especially need to pray for the nation we live in.  Pray for your governmental leaders.  God wants to drive back the darkness so the nations can see the light in this hour, but once again, we must be the ones who pray fervently so God's saving power can bring life and health to the nations of the world!


Dear Lord, I make a fresh commitment to pray for the nations that you lay upon my heart.  I ask that Your presence would begin to work in those countries and cause open doors for the gospel to be preached and that the believers who live there would prosper and be protected.  Cause the people of ______________________ to hear the word of the Lord and to live in safety.  I ask You to bless the nations afresh today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time for spiritual fruitfulness ..

Daily prophetic word 
The Time for Bearing Fruit
"This is the time," says the Spirit, "that great prosperity shall be your portion.  For the months ahead shall be fruit bearing ones if you will believe it in your heart.  Sow seed again, and give your resources for it is your time to bear much fruit!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Philippians 4:17 - Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.

God loves it when people bear fruit in their Christianity!  Yet, what does it really mean to bear fruit?  Well fruit bearing begins with the seeds we plant.  Most of the time, in our Christian walk, we think of these seeds as financial ones, but they are much more than that.  Seeds can be anything that you sow, good or bad.  They can be seeds of righteousness or sin.  They can be seeds of doing good deeds or words you speak.  The little choices we make every day are seeds that we are sowing.  All of the good seed, you have sown are the things that God wants to grow until they bear fruit in your life.  In the verse above, Paul was exhorting the church at Philippi to sow good seed, not because he wanted to get some kind of gift from them, but more because he wanted an abundance of fruit to be credited to their account.  In other words, God wants you to be credited for having fruit growing in your life.  He wants you to have a large line of credit of spiritual fruitfulness and the way it comes is through the seeds you have sown.  So sow some good seeds and make the habit of expecting some abundance fruit to start manifesting in your life!


Dear Lord, I am making the choice to sow good seed today.  I give my time, my finances, my resources and my decisions all for the purpose of sowing seed.  Help me to make righteous choices so that a good harvest will manifest for me.  I declare that this is my season of fruitfulness and a double harvest is mine today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Your faithfulness will payoff...

Daily prophetic word 
Rewards are Inevitable
"Have I not already promised blessing for the faithful?" says the Lord. "Blessings are upon your head for every faithful thing you have done, and you shall abound everywhere you turn this day.  Watch and see it," says the Lord, "and say this thing: my rewards are inevitable and shall be all around my life!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Proverbs 28:20 - A faithful man shall abound with blessings: 

One important principle to learn when it comes to spiritual things is that when God makes a statement like the one above in Proverbs, we can trust that it is true.  Therefore, we need to live every moment like it is true, even when sometimes things don't look like it!  However, there is a key word in this verse in Proverbs.  It is the word 'abound.'  Have you ever paused for just a moment to reflect on what that really means?  To abound in something means you go beyond the normal limits!  Of course, this verse didn't place any restrictions as to what part of our lives abundance applies.  We normally associate abundance with material things, and I definitely think that is a part of abounding.  However, when you are faithful in your life, abundance will apply to much more than that.  For example, if you are faithful on your job, any number of good things can take place.  You may get a raise, but you may also get a promotion.  Beyond that, you will gain favor and a good status with your boss.  To top it off, you get a very good feeling inside when you have worked hard and done what is honorable.  You live with a sense of satisfaction.  Faithfulness in anything we do will promote us into abundance in so many different ways.  The same faithfulness toward God and spiritual things will promote you spiritually.  You will become mature as a Christian and live with the confidence that you have pleased the Lord.  Faithfulness is never a dead end road.  It will always promote you, so be confident that if you are being faithful, you will abound with many blessings from the Lord!  Your reward of faithfulness is inevitable! 


Dear Lord, I thank You that many rewards are coming toward me today.  I know that my faithfulness is paying off.  Help increase my level of faithfulness in every area of my life so that people all around will know me as that kind of person.  I receive and expect abundance in my life today and I know that it will follow me wherever I go!  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Monday, February 7, 2011

He has an appointment with you ...

Daily prophetic word 
God Comes in Night Watches
“For I come with great impartations which are found even when you seek Me in the night hour,” says the Spirit.  “Know that My eye waits for you at this time.  So remember Me in the night watch and I will fill you with dreams and My secrets there!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 63:5-6 – My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:  When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

There is something about seeking God during the night hours that just can’t be reproduced during the day.  It creates a sense of aloneness, just you and God.  The world is quiet, the phone doesn’t ring and appointments aren’t scheduled.  You even think less, in the night hour, about all the tasks that are before you.  In fact, most people are usually less goal oriented at night and tend to reflect more on life, their lifestyles and relationship with God.  Night is a personal time.  I believe this is why God fills us uniquely at night, because we are more open and receptive to Him.  We seem more willing to take a good look at ourselves too.  In the verse above, David writes that he is uniquely fulfilled when he seeks the Lord at the night watches.  These are special periods in which to wake, watch, and seek the Lord and then sleep again.  Sometimes those nights when you just can’t sleep are the perfect opportunities for a night watch with the Lord.  There is something important about having certain times with the Lord at night.  Jesus practiced it.  He sought God a great while before day (Mk 1:35).  Sometimes He continued in prayer all night (Lk 6:12).  God wants to talk to you some of the time at night because there He can share with you things you may not hear during the day.  I believe there are prophetic things for this season that the Lord wants to share with us if we will find times to seek Him in the night watches!


Lord, I long for You in the night hour the way You wait for me at that time.  Cultivate a hunger inside of me to spend certain times with You at night.  Open my eyes to Your secrets and I thank You that I shall find new fulfillment during the watches of the night! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time to accomplish great things...

Daily prophetic word 
Speed and Timing Accelerated
“For in this hour I will cause you to run,” says the Lord.  “I shall accelerate you and your work shall not be hindered.  You will accomplish many things with precision as I grant you a new speed and timing!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Proverbs 4:12 – When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.

Have you had times with the Lord when you thought you weren’t making any progress?  Perhaps there have been many seasons when you didn’t feel like you were getting anywhere in life—two steps forward and then two steps back.  Does it seem like you are revisiting the same issues and attempts at success year after year?  While there are many ingredients that go into success in life, one key is allowing the Lord to accelerate you.  Sometimes we try to accelerate ourselves.  We do that by trusting our human efforts and not working closely with the Lord on things.  Work and effort in the scheme of success are very important, but will eventually fail if God is not in full control.  If you feel that you can’t seem to make any progress, then take some time with the Holy Spirit; allow Him to speak to you and see if He needs to become involved in a different way.  Maybe He has another method or another plan!  The Lord has a way of changing the speed of things when we work close with Him on the many projects of our lives.  I have found that when I take time for God in everything, He supernaturally accelerates time for me!  I get things done faster, I overcome the past, and I wake up each day with new things to accomplish.  The children of Israel kept circling the same desert for 40 years because they could not seem to keep God in view.  God will shorten time and get you into your promised land if you stay close to Him; be willing for Him to change your direction and desires and then obey His will.   The Spirit of the Lord wants to multiply time and cause you to run!


Father, I receive an impartation for accelerated time.  I ask that Your perfect timing would be upon me and that I will not accelerate in my own effort.  I give You full control and I believe You want me to accomplish great things today.  Thank You, wonderful Lord, for anointing me to run and do great things in Your Name!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The joy of the Lord ...

Daily prophetic word 
Oil of Gladness
"Yes," says the Lord, "I have set a joyful course before you, so don’t be heavy in heart, for I have anointed you with the oil of gladness that you might find a glorious future, so choose now to remain in a place of rejoicing!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Psalm 45:7 – Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

God has destined us to live in gladness.  During periods of difficulty in our lives, gladness doesn’t always seem to come easily.  However, in the Scripture above, we find a prophetic verse about Jesus that shows us how to have gladness in every situation of our lives.  We find that God anointed Jesus with the oil of gladness.  Yes, there is a special anointing from the Spirit of God specifically for gladness.  We can see how this anointing operated over Jesus.  He chose to be crucified and according to the Bible, He was glad about it.  Now, certainly He wasn’t looking forward to what He suffered because He once prayed that if it were possible to avoid, He would rather not go through with it (Mt. 26:39).  Yet, something enabled Jesus to overcome those feelings.   Hebrews 12:2, says He saw a course of joy in front of Him that made Him look past all reservation.  It takes an anointing from the Lord to look past our present circumstances and be glad because beyond it we see a glorious future.  Jesus had something on His life that drew that kind of anointing to Him.  It was because He loved righteousness and hated wickedness.  When you choose obedience to God and refuse to walk in sin then the anointing for gladness will follow your life.  God wants you to be glad today, because when the oil of gladness is upon you, then you will see things like you have never seen them before!


Lord, I receive the anointing for gladness today.  I expect to have joy in my course.  Let a new anointing come over me right now so that I am empowered to look past the present and see my glorious future.  I choose the course of joy over heaviness today.  I bind every evil spirit of heaviness and sorrow and I step into the oil of gladness today!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Friday, January 28, 2011

God walks before you ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Breaker has come !
"For I am calling you to break spiritual barriers again," says the Spirit.  "Even now, My anointing goes before you for strength and for war.  Know that the Breaker has come up, and you shall go through the gates!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Micah 2:3 – The breaker is come up before them; they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.

God wants to anoint you to win every spiritual war.  Yet, not win in such a way where you gain victory and come out of it battle wounded and scarred.  Instead, we need to paint a new mental picture of our spiritual warfare.  God wants you and I to win whatever He has called us to accomplish with amazing power.  Some of us try to wage war against the devil as if we are little toy soldiers.  Think of it this way, if a soldier went out against an enemy army wearing flip-flops and holding just a pistol, he would be in big trouble!  Yet, this is how many Christians try to wage war in the spirit—like they have no weapons.  They forget to use what God provides them.  However, God’s picture of spiritual warfare is similar to the soldier who comes in with shock and awe standing in his anointing and authority.  This is what the Bible was revealing when it speaks of the Breaker coming up before them.  It meant that God was walking in front of a supernaturally anointed army tearing up everything in front of them first and clearing the way to victory!  He is the Mighty God who levels every force of resistance in front of you!  Resist the devil today, as you follow the Lord of the Breakthrough to bring you powerfully through every gate before you.


Lord, I thank You that I serve the God of Breakthrough today!  I resist every demonic force that would try to kill, steal or destroy my life.  I expect Your anointing to come upon me for victory.  I stand confident in your miraculous power to bring me through every resistance today!  I thank You for it now! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's time to cross over ...

Daily prophetic word 
Step Into It
For the Spirit says, "What is it that you fear to cross over?  Am I not the Lord who parted waters and caused armies to pass over against Jericho?  Step into it; step into the waters now," says the Lord, "and see the waves of hindrance back away as you cross into new places in the spirit!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Joshua 3:15-16 – And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, …That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon a heap…and the people passed over against Jericho.

God is always about progression.  He wants His people to be constantly in forward motion, not in retreat because of intimidating circumstances and situations.  In the days of Joshua, the people were hindered from crossing over the Jordan river, but once the priests who carried the Ark of God put their feet in the water, the Bible says the waters fled from them!  Then God brought them successfully over on dry ground to confront Jericho.  These seeming obstacles didn’t deter God from pushing His people forward.  Instead, the priests carried the Ark of the Covenant right into the opposing circumstance.  You and I are the priests of the Lord (Rev. 1:6), and we carry inside of us the ark, the presence of God Himself.  When you choose to step out onto the “water,” which is that particular obstacle that seems to hinder you from going forward, then the glory and anointing of God in you will cause hindering forces to back away.  A “Jericho” situation in your life will be of no consequence because when you step into the water and follow the Spirit, His power is there to move what is standing before you!


Father, I stand confidently now, that I am anointed to step into and cross over every opposing circumstance that is holding me back from your divine plan.  I prophesy to my situation now and say that resistance must fall and turn back.  I commit myself to progress forward and follow the voice of your Spirit as you lead me into new and exciting things! In Jesus’ Name, amen 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A fresh wave of glory ...

Daily prophetic word 
New Wave of Leaders
Get ready, says the Lord, for I am raising up a new breed of leaders who shall have My heart.  For they shall be pure and equipped to restore the gold and precious anointing in My house.  For watch now as this fresh wave of glory begins to sweep the lands.

Prophetic Scripture:
Jeremiah 3:15,  And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

God wants us to know that He will always have leaders who carry His heart and His messages.  We can all become disappointed with leaders, preachers and even fellow Christians for various reasons.  However, always be assured that God always has a remnant who will not compromise their message or level of righteousness.  I believe that God is about to raise a people who will not only maintain their purity and anointing, but the number of these leaders will increase.  We have to remember that Jesus is Lord over His church and He will see to it that it is being operated in good hands.  That does not mean that there won’t be leaders who are not good representations of the Kingdom, but it does mean that you can trust there are good ones everywhere.  Allow yourself to receive from God’s leadership in this hour and believe that you can trust their counsel and anointing.  Sometimes people like to hide behind the excuse of hurt, lack of good feeding, and disappointment with ministries.  If you are keeping your life pure and walking close to God, trust that He will put you in the right place and provide the right leaders who will feed you the Word of God.  God is going to have leaders who will not compromise or have a religious spirit, but who will allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in their services and will restore the precious and glorious anointing in the House of the Lord! 


Father, I pray for ministry leaders today.  Bless them and help them to follow You in purity and in the anointing . Grant them boldness in their preaching and help them in their walk of righteousness.  Lord, I release any resistance I have toward godly leadership and I open my heart to receive from those who You have ordained to minister in my life.  Thank You Lord for Your leaders who carry Your heart for me!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Supernatural Experiences ...

Daily prophetic word 
Days in the Spirit
“Expect to have days where you will step into the spirit,” says the Lord.  “For I have set times in prayer for you to experience the most incredible things with Me.  Yes, there will be visions, dreams and revelations that will carry out much in the earth!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Revelation 1:10 – I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a voice, as of a trumpet.

Always keep in mind that God is a Spirit (John 4:23) and He works in the spirit realm.  When the Apostle John was “in the spirit” in the Scripture above, he was in a place of prayer where his perception was more in the realm of the spirit than the earth around him.  God wants us to have times like that too.  God can be found in the physical realm, but we need times where we come to Him “in the spirit.”  So how do we position ourselves to get there?  First, it requires a sacrifice.  I am sure John had many things he could have been thinking about the day he received the vision that wrote the Book of Revelation.  He could have been complaining and asking God why he was exiled to the island of Patmos.  No, instead he turned his focus away from the earth around him and connected with the Lord in the spirit.  He stepped into a place with God where he supernaturally began to see into the spirit realm.  He was more conscious of that than his physical location.  If we make time with God, I believe we will have more of these incredible supernatural experiences with Him.  When that happened for John he saw many visions and amazing things were revealed.  Many others in the Bible experienced similar things, but it came because they gave their time to the Spirit.  God is waiting and wants your “days in the spirit” to be a great blessing in the earth!


Father, I come to You in the spirit.  I ask that You would teach me to enjoy days in the spirit as I give my time to You.  I declare that I will begin to have supernatural experiences with You.  I expect to see visions and have divine revelations from You Lord.  Open my spiritual eyes and ears, Lord, and allow me to step into the spirit today.  Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

God will open a way for your gift ...

Daily prophetic word 
Gifted For This Hour
“It is not by accident that you were born in this time.  For you have been graced for it,” says God.  “See now your gifts and abilities and let Me enrich them one by one.  Say no more that you have nothing to give, for I have gifted you especially for this hour!”

Prophetic Scripture:
I Corinthians 1:4-7 – I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; that in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:

It might be easier today to see all of your inadequacies and shortcomings, yet God always sees us as gifted and talented people.  The reason many people don’t live to their fullest potential is because they don’t believe in themselves the way God does.  God believes in you!  It is because He has personally graced you.  You weren’t born by accident.  You were born during the perfect time to do something wonderful on earth.  The key is to break past all the obstacles that have obstructed you from seeing your own gifts and unique capabilities.  You can begin to see more clearly how God has gifted you by putting into practice these four things:  1) Believe you are gifted by God;  2) See your talents bigger than your inabilities;  3) Never complain about what doesn’t seem to work out right; and 4) Refuse to see yourself as a failure even when circumstances make you feel like one.  If you begin here, with a positive attitude, then God can open the way for your gifts to be developed and enriched by His Spirit.  See that God has anointed you powerfully today!


Father, I thank You that I am a gifted individual.  You have graced me to do great things.  I believe today that I am not going to fall short in any talent You have given me, but I am going to use my gifts to the best of my ability.  Help me see all the good qualities You have given me right now!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Total liberty ...

Daily prophetic word 
Affliction Undone
"Now, see with your own eyes," says the Lord, "all that has held you captive shall be turned back and know that your season of release from your barren land is fast upon you.  Yes and that which afflicted your early years shall be driven out from you in this present time." 

Prophetic Scripture:
Zephaniah 3:19-20 - Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.  At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.
It is time to do nothing but rejoice because God is undoing what the devil has been busy doing!  The enemy may have had an agenda for evil, but God's agenda is being carried out, not only in our cities and nations, but in our own personal lives.  God wants to make us famous as a testimony of His deliverance and so the nations can know that He is the true God who undoes affliction.  Even though your life may have been afflicted in some form or another for years, our confidence is knowing that God can completely undo all of it.  It is as if I can see the devil quickly trying to draw out a map on paper to lay out his evil plans, but as fast as he can write them, God is coming right after him with a big eraser so none of Satan's agenda can get carried out!  Know that wherever the devil has tried to make you known for failure, God wants to make you famous for Holy Ghost success!  Sieze your time for it right now!  See yourself coming out of that barren place of captivity and walking into total liberty and blessing! 


Hallelujah Lord,  I rejoice today that I am being delivered from the barren land!  You are already undoing every area of afflication that has tried to hold onto me.  I rise up today from the land of captivity and walk into my land of total favor.  I declare that I become known for God's work upon me and no longer shall I be known for any form of affliction.  This is my time and I seize my moment of favor because I am no longer put to shame.  Thank You Lord for Your blessing upon me today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Expect to see signs ...

Daily prophetic word 
Wonders in the Heavens
"For this is the time in which there shall surely be wonders in the heavens," says the Spirit.  "Everywhere My glory will be seen in this time of latter rain and many will be turned to righteousness.  Yes, the time of wonders in the heavens and signs in the earth have come to you!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Acts 2:19 & 21 - And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath…And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

We are truly living in a remarkable period of time.  We should be thankful to be a part of it because I believe we are beginning to see some of the most supernatural events and happenings that have ever been recorded in modern history.  However, signs and wonders may not always appear as you expect them to.  Sometimes if we are not careful, we will miss them.  In fact, Isaiah 7, prophesied that one of the greatest signs that would appear in the heavens, would be that a virgin would bear a son.  However, the religious leaders living during the time that sign appeared didn't recognize it.  We often think supernatural signs are something that everyone in the world will respond to by saying, "Wow, that can only be God."  But signs and wonders that come from God don't always appear like that.  In fact, according to the Bible those who aren't looking for God to manifest may miss Him when He does appear!  Isn't that what will happen when Jesus returns?  Some will completely miss the event as if it never took place, while others will gloriously go on to be with the Lord.  However, God will manifest signs and wonders because He knows there are going to be those who are going to see them and respond favorably, just like the wisemen did when the star of Christ appeared in the sky.  Not everyone responded, but some did and were blessed!  Expect to see signs and wonders in the heavens through weather, government, leaders, in nations, through the church and even in supernatural healings and miracles.  We are in the seasons of wonders and God will use these things to cause many to be saved.  Look for the wonders in the heavens!


Heavenly Father, I want to thank You that I am living in a supernatural season in which signs and wonders are everywhere.  I ask that You will give me the spirit of revelation so that I will recognize each sign that You want me to see.  I declare that I see in the spirit and I will recognize the signs from God.  Lord manifest Your will on earth and I ask that the supernatural things from heaven will appear even in my own life, in this time.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Be a voice ...

Daily prophetic word 
Ignorant Men Confounded
“Yes, even as it was in times of old when men and women stood and confounded kings, so shall you confound the foolish acts of this age.  Even in media, workplaces and in courtrooms; get ready,” says the Spirit, “as the well doing of My people across the land silences accusations on every corner!”

Prophetic Scripture:
I Peter 2:15 – For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

You can’t argue with a deed done right!  When we make right choices and live in obedience to the ways of God, people around us can’t answer that behavior.  It becomes hard for them to laugh about sin at work when you are taking a stand in the opposite direction and smiling joyfully about it!  I believe there is a restless sound in the church right now.  People are tired of compromise and apathy.  They want the lines of truth and right to be clearly drawn.  They are ready to make some different choices because past compromise has produced nothing.  The Scripture above says that ignorant and foolish people are put to silence when we draw clear lines and do what is right.  We are not here to be self-righteous and critical, nor are we here to point fingers.  We just have to determine that we will not compromise what we believe and stand for.  God is stirring something in His people that will cause us to rise up as a unified sound in this hour.  Don’t you think it’s time that the foolish things of this world be confounded by our choices to do right?  I think God is ready and His people are too.  Something is about to happen that is going to place the church in position where the world won’t have a good argument to stop our voice!


Father, cause me to be a voice in this hour because of my actions.  Teach me how to set a righteous standard in love and mercy.  I repent for any area where I have compromised in the past.  I commit to walk as a light in this hour and I believe the world will see my actions and lives will be changed!  I thank You for it Lord right now. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Allow God to remove darkness from our lives ...

Daily prophetic word 
Shake out the Darkness!
"Yes, again I shall shake out the darkness and bring it into the light.  For I shall give My people the purity they have cried out for in their lives, homes, cities, churches and nations.  Remove all the dark things and run with me now," says the Lord, "and together let’s create a fresh stream of holiness in the earth!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Hebrews 12:26-27 – Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.  And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.  . .

It is always a good thing when God begins to shake things up.  I think of it similar to when you shake a little rug and all the dust comes flying out!  Afterwards, it looks so much better!  When God removes darkness from our lives, cities and nations, it is always with love and mercy even though a good shaking doesn’t always feel pleasing.  Yet it is better for God to do the shaking than for the devil to do it when he has gained access through uncontrolled darkness.  Remember that when God shakes the darkness from our lives, it is not with harm and shame.  He does it with His hand of mercy and care.  Realize when God shakes things, He begins with a word.  Respond to that shaking!  Get busy removing what He tells you to remove.  Sometimes there is more than one thing to shake out.  When we respond and work with God to first get the impurities out of our lives, we enable Him to build powerfully with all the good things that remain.  We become vessels of light that create a standard of holiness.  Then God can work together with us to remove the dust and impurities that exist in our schools, cities and nations so that His love and glory can fill the earth!


Father, I ask You to help me remove all impurities from my life.  Help me shake out the darkness.  I commit to walk in purity and ask that You will use me as a vessel of light to create a standard of holiness all over the world.  I thank You for it now. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Be a voice in this hour ...

Daily prophetic word 
Church Rise Up!
The Lord says, "Don’t be tempted to retreat because of hindering spirits that would seem to distract you on every side.  For now the voice of My Church must become even louder across the nations, and I am calling you to rise up and be strong," says the Spirit of the Lord!

Prophetic Scripture:
Matthew 10:18-20 – And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles; But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak:  for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.  For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

As the mighty church of the Lord Jesus we have the awesome privilege to be a voice for God in the earth.  Through the Holy Spirit in us, we are the force of righteousness that is placed here to resist evil and bring God’s glory to the nations.  We are called to speak about the Lord in our homes, workplaces, cities, regions and nations.  Jesus said that in some of those settings your righteous voice would not be well received (Mt. 10:22).  Of course, we have to stay in love, but we need to be bold and confident that we have been sent by God for a purpose.  Then we have to trust that the Holy Spirit will be there to anoint us, teach us and help us be a sharp and accurate voice for Him.  We live in an age when the voice of evil is trying with every possible measure to squelch the voice of righteousness, but we have to stand in faith that God’s Spirit will cause us to succeed and lives will be changed.  We need to be more consistent, more determined than ever to do our part to rise up and allow our light to shine brightly into the darkness no matter how much resistance the devil brings our way!  


I thank You Lord that I have been anointed to be a voice in this hour.  I am called to stand for righteousness in every place that I go.  I ask for Your anointing to speak today as one who carries the glory of God.  Grant me boldness and authority to bring Your Spirit into every place of influence I have and I trust that You will cause many to hear and receive it. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Secrets Revealed...

Daily prophetic word 
The Spirit of Understanding
“Receive now,” says the Spirit, “fresh understanding.  For expect a flow of anointing that will help you know My wisdom in every situation.  You shall know what to do and how to handle things, and even the secrets of heaven shall be revealed unto you!”

Prophetic Scripture:
2 Timothy 2:7 - …and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.

The Lord is not trying to keep us in the dark about things!  He is there to help us.  He wants to anoint you so that you can see into the spirit, find His wisdom and know the secrets of His heart.  The reason we often don’t see and receive the understanding we need is because we get blinded by other things.  We are blinded by the constant onslaught of negative things that surround us everyday, which prevent us from having understanding in spiritual things.  Yet, God can anoint us supernaturally by His Spirit to have understanding in spite of that.  We need that type of anointing!  We need the power of God to supersede the confusion that exists in the world around us.  Position yourself for an impartation of understanding today.  Where possible, train yourself to avoid the many voices that come from the world.  This way, you are better able to receive and hear from God.  Then ask for understanding from the Lord.  This is what Paul was doing in the Scripture above.  He was asking the Lord to give them understanding in ALL things.  Notice it was ALL things.  God is not going to leave you in the dark if you will expect to receive understanding.  Never take the position that God isn’t helping you.  Believe everyday that understanding comes easily to you by His anointing and you will find His secrets being revealed to you everyday!


Thank You Father for the Spirit of understanding today.  I expect to receive that anointing right now!  Help me be careful about what I hear, so that I can hear You clearly.  Train me Lord to hear Your secrets and know Your heart for every situation.  I receive Your understanding now! In Jesus’ Name, amen . 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Anointing for Greatness ...

Daily prophetic word 
Occupational Increase
"For I am the Lord that can make all things prosper.  For in Me dwells the wisdom and anointing to bring you into greater gainful employment.  There are new methods for you and I anoint you for occupational increase today," says the Spirit of the Lord.

Prophetic Scripture:
Deuteronomy 28:8 – The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in they storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

God wants us to succeed in life.  Our success in Him isn’t measured by the trials that may try to hinder us along the way, but by a life of continual growth.  In other words, God wants you to be better off today than you were five years ago.  He sees you increasing day by day.  Many people are frustrated, trying to get ahead, but they find themselves constantly between jobs, always trying to get a better income and then discover they aren’t any further along than they were five years ago.  God wants to anoint us with consistent occupational increase, so we can support His kingdom.  If you feel like you are not finding gainful employment after years of trying, then perhaps it is time to seek fresh direction from the Lord.  God may have new things for you to learn, new methods and fresh ideas.  Maybe you need to start a business, or perhaps close a business, get a different job or go to school.  In any case, pray, fast, and seek Him about it and allow the Lord to impart to you a new anointing for occupational increase.   Then be willing to change and do whatever God is leading you and then you will build upon it through consistency and longevity.  Believe that God is preparing and anointing you to step into occupational increase today!


Father, I thank You that You desire for me to prosper in my work.  I ask you to help me find the right vision and direction.  I submit to your ideas and make myself willing to work hard to reach my heavenly goals.  I use my faith today for occupational increase and stand here knowing that when I put my hand to work on your plan for me, and refuse to let go, it must prosper!  I am anointed to prosper right now and I thank you for it! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.