Daily prophetic word
Come Out!
"So command now every evil spirit that would try to remain this day to leave your presence," says the Lord, "and they will obey you! Wherever demonic power has tried to enter in, tell them to come out! Tell them," says the Spirit, "every time you see them lurking and watch them flee from you!"
Prophetic Scripture:
Mark 5:8 - For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.
There are two key words you can use to secure and maintain your own deliverance from evil spirits. We often say them in reference to ministering deliverance for others but forget to speak them when demon powers want to hold us in bondage or just meddle in our business. Those simple words are "Come Out!" You can command unclean spirits to leave your mind, your body, your finances, your workplace and wherever else they may be trying to gain access. Too often when we see something wrong in our own life or surroundings, we deal with it passively. We casually try to ignore it or even pray a little about it. If it begins getting a little too imposing we read a Bible verse or two. However, many Christian people just muddle through and keep tolerating it. Sometimes you have to just wake up one day and realize that this is the devil! When Jesus met up with the demonized man in Mark 5, He had no trouble recognizing the devil was at work. Yet, sometimes the devil doesn't hang around in an obvious way like that, all dressed in a shiney red devil suit. He comes subtly until you get used to him hanging around. Well then, how do you know for sure it's the devil? Because the devil and evil go together. If it is bad and evil, it's probably got a demon nearby cheering it on! Don't let him set up shop at your house! James 4:7 says to resist him and he will have to flee! Tell that devil to just "Come Out!"
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that I have authority over the evil one because Jesus gave it to me. Forgive me for not using that authority and allowing demon powers to hang around. I make a choice to resist the devil today. So Lord, with that power I resist the devil right now! I speak to every demon and command them to leave in the Name of Jesus! Powers of darkness you have to flee every area of my life because I command you to come out right now! I now thank you Lord that I am delivered today! In Jesus' Name, Amen!
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