Daily prophetic word
Expanded Vision
"So stretch your eyes to see," says the Spirit. "Look beyond what is only just in front of you, for there are many good things that I have created in your path. See the greater increase, greater glory and greater miracles. Look this day and your vision in the spirit shall be expanded in a great way!"
Prophetic Scripture:
Isaiah 40:26 - Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names, by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.
It takes determination to see beyond your immediate surroundings. In fact, it takes practice. I think learning to look past yourself and your present set of circumstances is like learning to exercise. It doesn't just come automatically, that is for certain! You have to make the committed decision to put on your workout clothes, get on your athletic shoes and get working! Stretching your eyes in the spirit to see the things of God is the same way. It takes practice. You have to make the decision everyday to look at your present situation and see the glory of God beyond it! Sometimes that will take some stretching! Your spiritual eyes, if they have grown weak, will not want to do that! They will want to pity about all that is not going right. You have to retrain what you see. Just like excercising, your muscles will only get bigger with constant stretching and use. In the same way, expanding your vision comes through consistent and disciplined use of your spiritual eyes! That is how you enlarge your vision and make it stronger. If you want to see big things, then build your spiritual vision. When you do, you will see the power of God that is much bigger than yourself and be confident that impossible miracles will manifest in your life!
Dear Lord, I ask that You will expand my spiritual vision today. I make a commitment to see in the spirit all the things that You have for me. Anoint my eyes Lord and help me see beyond my present situations. I choose to see miracles, I choose to see the God of the impossible. I see new things and expect to go new places in the spirit today! In Jesus' Name, Amen!
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