Daily prophetic word
Strong Shepherds Among You
"Truly I have already set My shepherds in place for the upcoming season," says the Lord of the Church. "For I always have My appointed ones ready and positioned. Yes, they shall give a fresh word without fear, and shall take strong and godly oversight. So undergird them with confidence now, for they shall be the safeguard to cover My sheep in this dangerous time."
Prophetic Scripture:
I Peter 5:2-4 - [To the elders which are among you]…Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
God never called His leaders and shepherds to be followers of the sheep. Instead, He has placed shepherds and leaders to forge the way in front of the people, taking the darts of criticism and media onslaught, with an excessive weight of responsibility and over demanding schedules. More amazingly, the Lord has always used imperfect leaders to take hold of this enormous task. Yet, even with certain flaws, God will always have strong and godly leaders. No matter the year, the season or decade we are in, the Chief Shepherd will always have the right shepherds positioned to lead His sheep. Sometimes sheep leading is a thankless job! Some sheep don't want to be led anywhere and will see a confident shepherd as controlling. That is why Peter, in the verse above, said that shepherds should lead willingly, not with control, but with confidence. Here is how we can easily recognize the difference between confident and controlling leaders, as well as know the intimidated ones from God's anointed shepherds. God's leaders will defend the principles of Scripture without relent. They will strive to defend and obey the Bible regardless of popular trends or religious critics and expect those they lead to do the same. You can often sense this quality on them, even in the pulpit, but you will never recognize that quality in a leader if you, as a sheep, don't stay constantly immersed in the Bible yourself. Instead you will view leaders through personal preference, experience, or offense. Finally, I believe God's true shepherds will carry a crown of glory upon them. Of course, we know that will happen when Jesus returns. But even when Jesus appears or manifests in our churches right now, we will find God's glory upon His shepherds. Sure, there will always be those who will not lead properly. King Solomon said, "there is no new thing under the sun." (Ec. 1:9) Yet, the Chief Shepherd will ALWAYS have leaders who will lead confidently with the glory of the Lord upon their head. The supernatural will follow them. Judges 5:2 (NLT) says, "Israel's leader's took charge, and the people gladly followed." Get behind God's leaders in this hour, it will protect you and keep you close to the Chief Shepherd, Jesus the Lord of His Church!
Dear Lord, I pray for my pastor and shepherd. Help him/her to lead with confidence in a way that pleases You. I also pray for all the leaders You have appointed to lead and teach us all over the world. Protect them and encourage each one, Lord. I ask that You will show me how to be supportive and not critical and I trust You, Jesus, as the governor over your leadership. I receive that grace right now. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
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