Thursday, October 21, 2010

Increase in GRACE

Daily prophetic word 
The Church of Great Grace
"Even as evil in the world increases, so will I increase My grace upon you," says the Lord.  "For with great power will the church be able to declare My name among the heathen and she will not be in need of anything." 

Prophetic Scripture:
Acts 4:33 - And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

Jesus said that in the last days the spirit of lawlessness would increase in the world.  I think with all of the things going on in some of our cultures lawlessness truly has increased.  More things are being written in the law books that defend lifestyles and practices that are in direct contradiction to the Bible, which is the law of God.  So what is the church to do as society races toward wickedness?  Well, we can find a great example from the early apostles.  It was not an accident that the early Christians had to find their beginning in a governmental setting, the Roman Empire, that was far from godly.  In fact, it was known for many unbelieveable atrocities and Christians were dying for their faith.  Yet, thousands came to the Lord and some of the greatest miracles recorded were in this very setting.  Grace is most powerful in the midst of a conflict.  That is how you know grace is real!  When the evil hand of government was heavy against the early church, the power of God on them only increased.  God gave them great grace to stand up to it all. Notice that the early church lacked in nothing!  We have to believe in and be confident of that same power for us today.  In power we will be a great witness in our communities and many who have stood for evil will turn to righteousness and those who resist the work of God will not be able to keep God's people from growing in power and number.  In this hour, we won't come up short and in need, but the power of God is going to manifest so we can deal with the evils of the day.


Dear Lord, I trust You for a measure of great grace upon my life and upon the church today.  Cause a new boldness to be upon us Lord, that we might be a witness filled with power!  I declare that great grace is upon me, my family, and my church.  Thank You Jesus!  Amen.

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