Saturday, October 9, 2010

See and Appreciate each Miracle

Daily prophetic word 
Little by Little
"See that every binding spirit and evil intruder will be driven from your dwelling places," says the Lord.  "For by forcing them out one by one and little by little, you will be able to note the work of My hand in a way that you could not do so before, and one room at a time, I the Lord will reinforce your house!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Deuteronomy 7:21-23 - Thou shalt not be affrighted at them:  for the Lord thy God is among you, a mighty God and terrible.  And the Lord thy God will put out those nations before thee little by little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee.  But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed.

Sometimes we want everything to happen in one day.  We think, "Wow, if I could just get this over with and be done!"  Well, in the spirit that is not always how it works!  Of course, we all wish it were that easy.  Yet, God has an incredible way of working things so that we can experience lasting results.  If He made everything too easy, we wouldn't learn anything in the process.  Often when our children were younger, they always wanted help picking up their room on cleaning day.  No,w it wasn't that we didn't help them, but we had to teach them that getting rid of the mess still requires them to pick up the objects around the room one by one!  So we taught them this principle by going around the room together--little by little!  Yes, we were there to teach them how to properly store and place things and show them what needed to be thrown away.  We even helped them speed up the process sometimes!  Yet, they had to learn how to drive out the mess little by little themselves!  In a similar way, the Lord is there to provide anointing and power to help us with some of the messes the devil has created in our lives, but He wouldn't be a good Father if He didn't teach us how to drive out the demons with spiritual precision one at a time!  Why is that so important?  Well, just like our children, when they clean the room themselves one object at a time, they are not so quick to make a mess of things the next time.  They appreciate the power it takes to clean the room!  They not only learn the art of driving the mess out of a room, but they also become more determined not to let a mess come back in!  Yes, God will supply His mighty hand to help you clean the mess, but He will help you one battle and stronghold at a time, so you can see and appreciate each miracle that God does to help you.  As you drive them out little by little, you will learn to rise up as the mighty man or woman of God you are destined to be!


Dear Heavenly Father, I know that You are a good Father and You are teaching me each day how to remove evil from my life, my family and my household.  I thank You for a fresh anointing for spiritual warfare in my life and I ask You to teach me how to see Your hand working to help me.  I rise up today as the person You have created me to become and I drive out every stronghold from my life one by one!  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

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