Friday, January 28, 2011

God walks before you ...

Daily prophetic word 
The Breaker has come !
"For I am calling you to break spiritual barriers again," says the Spirit.  "Even now, My anointing goes before you for strength and for war.  Know that the Breaker has come up, and you shall go through the gates!"

Prophetic Scripture:
Micah 2:3 – The breaker is come up before them; they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.

God wants to anoint you to win every spiritual war.  Yet, not win in such a way where you gain victory and come out of it battle wounded and scarred.  Instead, we need to paint a new mental picture of our spiritual warfare.  God wants you and I to win whatever He has called us to accomplish with amazing power.  Some of us try to wage war against the devil as if we are little toy soldiers.  Think of it this way, if a soldier went out against an enemy army wearing flip-flops and holding just a pistol, he would be in big trouble!  Yet, this is how many Christians try to wage war in the spirit—like they have no weapons.  They forget to use what God provides them.  However, God’s picture of spiritual warfare is similar to the soldier who comes in with shock and awe standing in his anointing and authority.  This is what the Bible was revealing when it speaks of the Breaker coming up before them.  It meant that God was walking in front of a supernaturally anointed army tearing up everything in front of them first and clearing the way to victory!  He is the Mighty God who levels every force of resistance in front of you!  Resist the devil today, as you follow the Lord of the Breakthrough to bring you powerfully through every gate before you.


Lord, I thank You that I serve the God of Breakthrough today!  I resist every demonic force that would try to kill, steal or destroy my life.  I expect Your anointing to come upon me for victory.  I stand confident in your miraculous power to bring me through every resistance today!  I thank You for it now! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

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