Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Expect to be blessed ...

Daily prophetic word 
Rewarded with Good!
“Know that I think upon you for good," says the Lord.  "All you do in righteousness shall be rewarded by My good gifts.  So I say, watch and you will see a good thing that I will do for you this very day!”

Prophetic Scripture:
Nehemiah 5:19 – Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people. .

Over the years, I have discovered that life can make people feel bad about themselves.  At times, it gets easy to remember all your failures and forget your accomplishments.   Of course, we all know people who want everyone to know their accomplishments!  Yet truthfully, deep inside, people usually struggle with their confidence in one area or another.  More than that, we can feel less than worthy to expect God to bless us for doing what is right.  Nehemiah was not afraid to boldly ask God to plan a good reward for him because he had worked hard for the people.  If you have children, have you noticed that they expect rewards for perhaps cleaning their room or getting good grades at school?  Children can think of many ways to cash in on a reward, believe me!  God is our Father, and as His children we should not feel ashamed for expecting Him to bless us for obeying Him and working hard for His kingdom.  God keeps track of your good work for Him.  Use your faith and believe that He will reward you with His good today.


Heavenly Father, I know that you want to reward me with good.  I thank You that I can be confident in Your goodwill toward me.  I ask You to bring Your good rewards to me, for the work I have done in Your kingdom.  You are my wonderful Father and I thank You for Your good reward today! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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