Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An Eternal Reward

Daily prophetic word 
Unto the Lord!
"For all you do this day, do it for Me and Me alone," says the Lord.  "Look not for the affirmation and praise of man, but learn to see My view of you and know that each good deed, each gift given and what is done in My Name is carefully recorded in heaven as an eternal reward for you."

Prophetic Scripture:
Ephesians 6:7 - With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.

The best way to know if your motives are pure in life is to check and see if you are looking over your shoulder for a pat on the back all the time.  Many of us have forgotten that we are not to spend our time looking for man's praise for the things we accomplish.  I heard a story of someone not too long ago who was angry with his church and decided he wanted all the offerings he gave the church to be returned to him.  I am sorry to say that man did not give his offerings to the Lord and therefore, those gifts will not be found in the eternal record books of heaven one day.  How tragic!  Why would someone want to give up an eternal reward for a few thousand dollars and a grudge?  Even a million dollars wouldn't have been worth it!  That person was giving their money to man and not to God and lost his reward for doing so.  Think of how many things we do every day, projects we work on or good deeds we provide someone, but in the back of our mind, we are waiting for our proper credit and dues!  That is not how God wants us to live.  Now there is nothing wrong with being properly proud of something you did or a reward you received from something or someone.  God uses people to reward us this way and build our confidence.  We also need a certain degree of approval from those closest to us to act as checks and balances to our actions.  The problem comes in when we expect man's praise and affirmation to make us who we are and thus determine how much we will do for them in the future.  No, instead we have to do good deeds and obey the Bible even when no one is looking and no one is handing out compliments.  This applies at home, on the job, at church or in our communities.  What we do, is for the Lord, and no matter what people do with our efforts, that proper motive is going to gain us an eternal reward! 


Dear Lord,  I ask that You will help me check all my motives today.  I make a commitment before You to do everything as a service to You and not to man.  Cause me to become content with Your approval alone and not be motivated by the affirmation of other people.  I repent of any time when my good works have been done to man and not to You.  I gladly serve You with my heart today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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