Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God laughs at recession

Daily prophetic word 
Recession Has No Power!
"In the talk of economical recession, I laugh," says the Lord.  "Know that even as the birds fed Elijah by the river, so will I feed My children and care for them in ways that will baffle the world.  So fear not the power of recession and lack that comes to steal, but fear the Living God who brings impossible abundance among you!" 

Prophetic Scripture:
John 10:10 - The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.

Many economies around the world are stuggling and the pending fear of recession and even in some cases depression are always before us.  People are concerned about losing their jobs, finding solid work, maintaining a successful business and so on.  Yet, as the people of God, our confidence cannot be in our economy or even our income.  Our trust has to be the Lord.  Jesus said that on this earth, corruption exists.  In other words, a thief called the devil is here to steal from people.  Yet, when Jesus is our Lord and governing our lives we don't have to fear being stolen from or living without provision.  The Bible clearly shows us throughout Scripture, that God has always supplied for His people.  We even find in 1 Kings 17, that the Lord supplied for Elijah in a miraculous way by sending ravens to bring him food.  God wants to give us an abundant life of supply, but we will never walk in that type of abundance if we keep looking over our shoulder in fear of economic or financial ruin.  God laughs at recession because He knows that He is much greater  than all of that.  When the Lord is your source, you don't have to fear economic ruin because God will always supply for His children even in the most unusual and exepected ways! 


Heavenly Father, I rejoice that I am part of the kingdom of Heaven and I do not have to fear economic collapse or recession.  I place all my confidence in You today.  You are my source of abundant supply and nothing shall be able to harm, steal or destroy me or my family.  I laugh in the face of recession and expect supernatural supply of blessing today!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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